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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Well at least by joining the campaign it makes you feel like your doing something even if we are a limp wristed country that lacks Testicular Fortitude!! Osbourne and the rest of the pack can afford the prices and get a freebie car. Cameron cycling to work like heck with his official car and police escort in a colume of 4 following!!
  2. A name would be nice so we can steer clear if approached at Zed meets!!
  3. And still no responce from the Hampshire coast!
  4. The car I saw them on was a cursed Blue one. They did look nice and the only time I have considered changing mine from black. Rays are a good strong wheel and the beauty is you can powdercoat them most colours and they look fantastic.
  5. yeh but aint your measures smaller like isn't that for a pint:)
  6. Fancy sending us a container full? FairFuel campaign just shows how much power the government have over us. They claim they got them to put off the next raise - whoop de do - we dont need them to stall, we need it lowering. The basic facts are the government/country are in massive debt and fuel is an easy way to pay for it. Doesnt matter what oil prices do, they will continue to hit us for it as they know its a good revenue stream. Enjoy it now while you can before we get priced out of it and then the oil dries up Meeeooowwww Chris!!!
  7. Not forgetting that without a tune you won't get any gains on the Zed as it defaults back to factory! However you won't get an additional 15 BHP over and above what the uprev will give you! It might boost up,the overall gain though:) Looking forward to seeing the Dyno charts. Don't think it's a issue that Wasso is not a fan. More like the brave boasts that manufacturers claim. They are usually based on the best figure ever gained for there product. Never any mention that gains of 15% can be achieved with the right tune and mods? Just the emphasis on the 15% as that's the selling point.
  8. Annoy them enough and they can only go in one direction swamp them in paperwork! I sign all the online partitions and every 3-4 months start a new one myself. 100,000 gets a hearing and it doesn't take long to fill it up. We do need some more voices. Sad that very few if any of the car clubs have signed up. I am sure if all the individual club members across all cars were to sign it would overwhelm them. Problem is we live in Culture of if he ain't doing it neither am I. Never in France. It said on 5th gear the other night that the cheapest price for a litre of fuel is in a South American country. Puru or Equador. 2p a litre!!!!!
  9. I do keep up with fair fuel campaign and lobby Mp's through them. It does help and stopped the last rise. I know it's not hard core but the more names the louder the Voice. My runaround has stickers all over it!
  10. But why do we put up with it. What happened to the good old British Bulldog Spirit. Stick ya hand up and be counted! Or are we a nation full of illegals who don't want to draw attention to themselves. Bla Bla Bla
  11. OMG there getting everywhere. Blue Blue Blue every where I turn. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-G ... 3f1bfbd580
  12. Just out of interest, what if any gains were you hoping for over and above the other tweeks Abbey are doing for you? And what exactly is involved in changing them over? Not that I could with my back but someone mentioned it can be a bit of a pig for a DIY novice to do!
  13. Did you know that Petrol prices came within 3p of a UK record high over the weekend, yet the price of a barrel of oil has been dropping almost constantly for the last 2 years? I need a good old RANT!!
  14. Well you will have your answer by 2moro from the horses mouth:)
  15. They look nice but a lot of money. I saw some stock Rays that had been restored to that colour and looked amazing. I know the company that did them if your interested!
  16. 1st thing is to name the Accident repair shop so if anyone else gets sent there by their insurance company they can tell them to get stuffed. You have the right to choose the bodyshop and demand quality parts. Insurance companies have a list but it does not mean they are the best. They just state they use parts up to ISO standards. This is the minimum they can get away with. Always insist in Nissan original parts regardless and don't be browbeaten. I always have and never had a problem. 3 times I sent my 1st Zed back to ARC in Park Royal. And they are the WLMG appointed repairer. New wing/new door skin and a 96 day wait for an original front Ray from Japan. As far as I was concerned the integraty of the wheel was compromised. The wheel alone was £1130. I put a post up last may 2011 about the whole incident. I had a brand new merc 350 Cls grand edition as a hire car at £186 a day sent down from manor car hire in Blackburn. Should have done a deal on that one:) I hate these fly by night cowboys.
  17. Put a picture up you never know:)
  18. I am calling this the NATO project. Now i know why you have not been biting this evening. You have been to the MOD for more paint!!
  19. I didn't like the 452's either and glad I went back to the RE050's. Falkens are good for a budget and dependent on driving style, but they just weren't for me. Your having better luck than me with those Ian. When it rains mine tend to go into self drift mode!!
  20. Just pm Mark at Abbey. They travel the States all the time so will definately have your answer:)
  21. I was joshing about the DA:) Bit of a strange one though! Hope you can get it sorted. Will a scan of some kind determin if its the paint or the top coat?
  22. 2 things Steve. 1, you should have got me to go over it with the DA whilst I did the van last Saturday. 2, Swap that artificial sweetner for some real sugar and I might have considered it. Didn't think it was that bad. Back last Summer I relocated my narrowboat to the Runnymead Hotel on the Thames from Hemel Hempstead. I gave it a bare metal repaint 3 years prior. For some reason within a the matter of a few weeks white dulling appeared on the clearcoat lacquer almost identical to that on the side facing the Sun. Soon after it started to peel away from the paint on the Sun spots as I call them. I got the paint company to investigate and it appered the Lacquer was the problem. It had reacted badley to direct Sunlight for some reason they would not say. However they paid for new materials and labour. Not saying this is your problem but just one example of what can happen!
  23. You been peeping in his wardrobe?
  24. I had de-cats fitted at the same time. I don't hear them at all:)
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