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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Just been doing some reading up and the suede on the Evo is a man made knit fabric to comply with fire retardant regs! We need to find a boffin who can check the car spec sheets to find out if the Nissan is the same which I suspect it could be. I know people who clean the real stuff with a block that resembles a rubber or as someone said eraser. Then just gently rub over with a slightly damp microfiber. If you can identify the material I will find a product Mark! The rest of the seat is easy:) Maybe our resident boffin Ebized has a spec sheet on the 370 and could find this out. Bit limited to search capabilities due to speed problems with the iPad down in Wiltshire.
  2. You put the a turkey in de oven and turn on de gas. Wait until spitting and black smokes sets off fire alarm and de Turkey is a cooked. Simples:)
  3. Who you calling a sweed you pumpkin eater:)
  4. Yeah i really should call him. I like the fact u use a pencil eraser in the guide You called? I will sort the sued out and the leather after 3rd:)
  5. Girnet has a diagramme up on here about how to remove the sat nav button panel!
  6. Do you really need to ask lol It's amazing what we women can do when we put our mind to it It is rumored women can use a DA polisher as well!
  7. T-Mobile also said 21st September. Is that unlimited calls to Mobiles as well?
  8. Wow. can SIRI tell me what the Euro million numbers are tonight please? That was a Smurf joke by the way! On a serious note I got lost on page 1 !! I am more into U-Boat watches. (Just to change the subject)
  9. Was only joking Adrian, you still haven't quite got the hang of our sense of humour
  10. There is usually a good winde up going on a Friday. Which side of the fence are you on Shel?
  11. Ok mate, With the standard bose there is not much you can do. Except phonecalls. Aftermarket will give much better results. I have not even got phone calls lol Which is hopefully going to get looked at by Papa Smurf soon. But now I found out that the Bose is not a Bose but made under licence by Clarion I feel cheated. It must be true as a forum member wrote it thus!! Some one on here has a modified head unit for sale for £100 to take an ipod. Conversion done by Forum member. I think its from an 05 but as I am a Apple Junky I might have to buy myself a Christmas prezzie. last year it was a Super Charger!
  12. So this would mean that there could be a large gap between manufacture date and registration Colin?
  13. We might get a decent Ruby if you did that:)
  14. Well they will be the only person who can answer your questions:)
  15. No aftermarket head unit:( I shall put it on the shopping list for November Sparky seeing as I can't aford not to keep the car for a few years!
  16. lol trust me x won't be going to any meets, unless you go to superficial places where everyone loves themselves you will be fine not to cross her. Don't know what i was thinking We go to Mothercare on thursdays. is that a superficial place ?
  17. I blame the last party for the debt we're now paying off, and their fake green policy which was just away to cream more taxes. To be fair I don't like any of the politicians. Everything they do is for the short term as they are always promoting for the next term in office. They all just tamper with things than actually fix them. I was having a dig at Papa Smurf only he hasn't twigged it yet!!
  18. Put the iPhone back in the box!!
  19. This one? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/4116714.htm I like them and thats my choice. The ones in this pistonheads picture lol:) Before everyone trips over themselves arguing, has anyone contacted the seller?
  20. I am astounded to! great stuff!!
  21. I blame the Conservitive voters living in the Green Belt!!!
  22. Therein lies the problem - not a single politician lives in the real world (do we have a shooting gun smilie ?) Long over due:)
  23. Just been reading up on Megan Ian and tend to agree with you. It seems they are the poor mans alternative. Nearly half the price of Stillen. I am still very new to this game and rely on you lot lol:)
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