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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Don't you fancy them Peter? I was thinking about a water feature for the fish tank:) Cant open my bonnet can I? Abbey welded it shut!!!
  2. Stick them in the forsale section. However I think you will get a better responce from ebay!
  3. They use really good quality Italian leather. If you go on there website can you recongnise the Zed in the pictures?
  4. 4RE Leather

    Duel or not?

    What the hell are you drinking? Leather restorer I think What ever Franky and Benny at Dorking slipped into my Coke this lunch time!
  5. 4RE Leather

    Duel or not?

    What the hell are you drinking? It's the meds Lexx honest lol. Interesting post though and anther snippet of good info:)
  6. 4RE Leather

    Duel or not?

    Name that PMer!! It's all new to me:)
  7. Its the old saying. Getting to the top is the easy bit. It's staying there thats hard!!!
  8. No no no. It needs to be Matt but the chrome can be shiney chrome:) Ipooo is brown!!
  9. I think thats jolly rude old sport!!
  10. Most definately!!! Stick the megans on fleabay!!!
  11. You are talking about a car arn't you! Sounds like a script from Sexcetera!!
  12. Eventually I would like to dump the spacers and get a rim that will take a 295+ if possible. Not fussed about the 18or 19" just the more rubber on the road the better in my book!
  13. After reading through this thread I will never sell my car on here!! Might raffle it though and charge £1 a question. You lot scare me!!
  14. They will make you slide lol:)
  15. It must be my eyesight as I put 20mm spacers on all corners and 245/35/18 on the front 275/35/18 on the rear. So I have widened it by 10cm at the back and 8 at the front and dropped it 1cm I think. My arch looks full now. Just waiting for a wheel to overtake me down Reigate Hill one day!!!
  16. I have jailbroken my iPad and down loaded a cruise missile app. There is one enroute to your tail pipe as we speak Defo going to arm the Cobra now!!!! And those suspension arms are going on my car. How much? and what do they achieve?
  17. What chance would he have on here Poor bloke would have to give the buyer a full tank of fuel/ and a years tax and insurance. You are to demanding!
  18. I decided to chuck this in here and see how it goes. I am curious to know why so many people have 19" rims on there must have list? This is purely a question and not an accusation on anyones preferance or choice. But as to why do they want them? Is there a better choice? Do they make for better road handling? Better choice of tyres? Bigger wider Tyres and the benifits. Or is it simply a case of "Because I can". I went with the OEM rims and had them powdercoated black and think they look great and have had possitive feedback. Not for one moment knocking 19" wheels as I love the GTR35 ones:)
  19. You's lot are just jealouse cos you have a blue car and mine is a umm "Silver" shade unknown cos I can't read the pain code duuurrr.
  20. Pistonheads have issued warnings about PayPal scams. They want your PayPal details for some reason. What ever you do,if this person sends you an online form under the heading Paypal credit form delete it. Trust you have a tracker on now they have your home address. mind you they have your name address so just need your PayPal account details please!
  21. Can you please stop putting up these pictures! You are confusing me and turning me into a gibbering undesisive dip stick!
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