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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. I am in Hospital lol. Half way through a 2 week stay. Send it over to Maciek at the Polish address. Ask him for a price ontop of your choice and he will calculate the total cost including the return shipping. It won't be cheap but I recon to fit and return to you about £80 that's without the cost of the cover. Might be worth taking another look at the video as I intend fitting my one eventually when I order it. You can fast track message him through his Facebook page. But you need to get a discount code and 2ways of getting this. One ask admin on here or 2. From what I read he has put a public code out for this item as a one off.
  2. Are you saying we have Chinese Zeds Need some made in Japan stickers ASAP.
  3. We can get Biscuit to make us some Apple stickers !
  4. My phone is going for exchange already. Apple store later on. The phone will not back up from iCloud or iTunes. It seems to freeze all the time when I went into the T-Mobile shop and kept saying cannot restore from iCloud needs wifi! So we turned off 3G and it just kept hanging on the wifi. Turned back 3G as it started to request and of course cant connect to iTunes or iCloud. Did a factory reset and even put a new I'd in. same problem. Aparently there has been 3-4 that have a problem. Apple store tries a different sim and if still a problem just gives a new phone. No questions no id or paperwork. So if I had a bent phone I could break it and get an exchange without any check. This was highlighted on TV recently and you would think thy might have this problem addressed! One theory of the unable to connect to iTunes or problems with iCloud and backing up may be that this is really the 1st day since a lot of people bought there phone that they have had time to set it up. zthis resulting in overload on the system. Any of you guys having similar issues?
  5. 2 be honest the only reason I have not done one myself is I suffer from a rare headache disorder. The solvent from the contact adhesive used and in most cases of evostick fame. The fumes start an attack that can only be aborted with Injections and 02. Apart from that you have to deactivate the airbag and take the steering wheel off. Again something I can't do which limits me a lot. I was toying with the idea of getting a steering wheel off eBay but Mine has the 3buttons both side. Then I could do one in my own time or send it over to Maciek. The Zed in his portfolio with the red leather door rests and boots is my car so I do need to get this wheel done ASAP. Wonder if there is a none solvent decent thin contact adhesive out there.
  6. You realise that's just a 1A USB port? It's the same as this except it has the words "Apple iPhone 5" in the title and costs 1.5 times as much: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BELKIN-12V-DC ... 2740994%26 I didn't want to say anything but I got 2 doubles free with charger leads. The leads were £3.50 each free packaging You beat me to it Haydn It is also a good idea not to totally rely on these types of chargers as they can overcharge the battery, if this is done on a regular basis then oxidisation will take place within the battery and shorten battery life. Best practice is to only use these types of charger only when you have to i.e. charge on the mains whenever you can and use this type as a "reserve" or emergency charger. Don't just get in the car and plug the phone in to the charger just because there's a charger in the car. I am guilty as charged (that was a pun by the way)
  7. I never even thought of that Chris. I Jailbroken the iPad to put Tom Tom on so I could have sat nav in the run around. The volume is louder than the phone. I suppose that's why they were free.
  8. That's a nice looking car. Very clean and tidy and well worth a look from interested parties.
  9. Yes, it's possible but as long as you make The M.O.T tester aware that your car has an LSD there shouldn't be any problem. A diligent tester will bring up on his computer any special requirements for the car he is testing anyway. Now then, my mate owned and ran an M.O.T garage for over 30 years and he told me that he only used the Tapley for vehicles with permanently engaged 4wd. For cars with LSD's he simply ran the test with both rollers running. He said that using a Tapley for a road test is pretty worthless as this only gives you an overall braking efficiency test on all 4 wheels whereas running on a rolling road (with both rollers running) gives the tester a lot more information on the rear brakes . Pete
  10. Oh yes Arran. So I guess when I get my smoked Lexus lights I can put my Led rears on fleabay then?
  11. +1 and there is tutorial video on DIY
  12. You realise that's just a 1A USB port? It's the same as this except it has the words "Apple iPhone 5" in the title and costs 1.5 times as much: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BELKIN-12V-DC ... 2740994%26 I didn't want to say anything but I got 2 doubles free with charger leads. The leads were £3.50 each free packaging
  13. Yeh they are good and a must for cars.
  14. Just bought 4 lightning to 30 pin adaptors off fleebay for £15 Apple want £32 each! Sorted
  15. I think it's safe to say my threads are usually quite...."entertaining" Actually they are quite tame to the ones you put on the Facebook page
  16. I am not a lover of that stuff but others swear by it.
  17. Duree just found the photo stream button. It's trying to download 300 photo's from my Dropbox so long old wait. Need to get wifi cracking software that Is at home Anyone near Bath?
  18. It won't come up and the reason being is I can't get wifi. I kick started the phone in the T-mobile shop next to,the Hospital using there wifi. ICloud was running a tad slow yesterday and I was awol after detaching the drip so needed to get back undetected quick so could not wait. When I got back a message came up saying I cannot back up using 3G so everything is locking up and slowing down until I can find somewhere. Anyway smurf did the deed. I will get there.
  19. That has a substance stuck on it Jordan. Highly possible that some one took it over the water and dipped the main beam with stickers. Then on return to Uk did a lousy job of removing them leaving the sticky back on which is no doubt ingrained with road kill
  20. What's up Adrian! I was up at 06:00 waiting patiently for my iPhone info update and it never arrived. Now how about this photo sending by Bluetooth? Or was it my imagination that I could send it via Bluetooth to my iPad?
  21. Apparently Pete saw this earlier today but it's for an iphone 4, think I may upgrade to a 5 sooner than I thought Papa Smurfs woman in pink is in 5 lol
  22. Ok, who are you and where is the real Papa ?????????????????? He and I our at our Sunday best. We are model forumers ! But it's Saturday Should I still be worried about you as well Are you thinking of asking for the route map to the Zed Renamed NATO shed back?
  23. Ok, who are you and where is the real Papa ?????????????????? He and I are at our Sunday best. We are model reforumers !
  24. On the 4 I can send pictures by Bluetooth. Can't find the option when I press on a camera roll picture with the 5. Any ideas please as I wanted to upload a picture of Papa smurfs new cover So he will have to do it for me;)
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