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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. I am sure Smurf and the others will join in once we get a definitive date Clown. Especialy now Jordan has set the ball rolling so to speak.
  2. Well I might do that one up and flog it as a tan one. If I can get the sweat out of the leather to the surface then it will be a simple enough job to re dye the leather to original speck. I have the Exact Anthracite/Alazain match. I told the guy not to send it till Friday as not sure if I am Definately coming out by then. So it may be a couple of weeks until I can assess and get it done. Can't find any OEM gear knobs worth saving as of yet. I want one of each colour.
  3. What ever you do guys do not spend £180 on that wheel! I just spent 2hrs playing offers and counter offers and got a tan 6 button one for £53 from a dealer. So as soon as I am out of here I will order a Red Leather with black and yellow inserts from Redline and do a post on it. I will time it and see it it's feasible to start an echange service as I don't think people want to be with out a wheel unless they intend using mole grips!
  4. (Can) you fix it Ian? !! Adrian you are a cruel man and Taras is not much better!
  5. No doubt financed by the proceeds of my care rape!
  6. That £180 is double what the normal price for a 6 button is. Found another for Half that and put in an offer. Just a matter of seeing how easy it is to cover and rather muck one of my own up thn a customers. The only service that Redline use direct is in the USA and they charge $120 plus postage plus cover
  7. That's expensive lol Maybe everyone on here is thinking the same thing. £80 is acceptable though. There is another on there for £50 but no buttons
  8. I think Chris from Brooklands Kent who was following me may have had to much shandy lol. Maybe there is absolutely nothing wrong with the car and I am trying to turn it into something that it never will be. Have the suspension of a Rolls Royce and the speed and handling of a GTR! Not brainiac enough to know what the set up is, But Abbey look after everything for me so any issues Ijust take it down to the experts. I only live 20 mins from them and happy with this arrangement. However I would like to be more knowledgable on the subject without reaching brain overload!
  9. Correct me if I am wrong but don't you park our Jag up Mr Biscuit ?
  10. I wouldn't know I would... but I wasn't there looking for shoes. Serves a Welshman right trying to branch out from Sheep I suppose. Shush. Hush puppies:)
  11. Well as long as we can have a laugh that's all that matters really. Does this mean I won't get any jam recipes?
  12. +1 - purely for poseurs Is a Poseurs a 4 legged highland dweller Viki?
  13. It was on the 6pm news last week ITV". We really are in a mess.
  14. They also sell,them in the hush puppy shop.
  15. I have all my toys in the Zed and got it almost the way I want it. I only go out in bad weather if forced to do so but take the runaround. It would be great if the zed was 4 wheel drive. I have lost count of the messages I have had from members who drive there FI all year round and totally agree you drive to the conditions.
  16. It's round and either blue or yellow. it has a split round the circumference so you grip the top half and away you go. So long as its sponge it does not matter. I am always cutting up small foam squares for leather dye application so you could make your own. The pound shop sells 3 large wash sponges so it's a no brainier.
  17. Have a look on eBay Chris they are a lot cheaper. A lot of the products on Monza are half price on fleabay. however the only thing that works for me is a sponge applicator. I just keep one in the car in a plastic bag with a box of surgical gloves. Umm reminds me, I am in the right place for refills.
  18. Are you saying you don't subscribe Surfer:)
  19. I get the tyre dressing applicators from Monza care care. They are great for this and you don't have to move the car as thy shape round the tyre. On fleabay you can even get a couple of half moon shaped ones for £3 a pair. To date I have had far better results with this than anything else.
  20. http://www.buffaloleather.co.uk Go to repairs in your county and you should find one near you.
  21. Maguires tyre gel Ewan. It will not turn the snow black and stays on ya wheels:)
  22. Thats what i did, and couldn't be happier Same here from the Zedman. And fitted them myself lol
  23. Think I will just search for a six button one. Get it leathered and take it to Abbey or Taras and get them to swap it over. Knowing my luck I will get a face full of airbag
  24. Zedman will be reading this post with some amusement I am sure:)
  25. Slightly changing the post but still with steering wheels. Are the centre sections interchangeable in so much that if I got a donor wheel that had no buttons or just 3 on one side like some had. And mine has phone and radio on the left and cruise on the right as in 6 buttons. are they easy to swap over? Easy guide please Graham
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