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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Can anyone confirm if the thread size for the gear knob is M10x1.5 same as a Honda please? Thanks.
  2. I might be missing something as if its a wrap you are of course right. However if its a paint job then its perminante so classed as a colour change if every panel is covered. NOt saying i am 100% right but could do with some clarification? Thanks for that:) Sorry yes I was talking about a wrap colour change. A respray would require you to inform the dvla as its permanent
  3. Pay out and get a engineers report for piece of mind if you wanted!
  4. I might be missing something as if its a wrap you are of course right. However if its a paint job then its perminante so classed as a colour change if every panel is covered. NOt saying i am 100% right but could do with some clarification?
  5. It might be a stolen one as per the Police programme earlier today? They stole a load of Log books a few years back anf they are still flooding the country with them. But that would be on a Nissan forcourt for £27k. At £17k I would be down to a dealer myself!
  6. Well this is the end result However I am going to be very critical because there was no way I could get a perfect cut once the leather was glued to the plate. I could not cut it out from the back because of the button clip prevented getting a blade or even a sharp pencil in . I need to maybe make a tenplate up if i ever decide to have another go. Comparing the 2! It might look better when the Decals from Buiscuit arrive !!! And just a reminder that the Anthracite wheel will be available on either an exchange basis or straight buy. This wheel is in prestine condition and unmarked!
  7. I thought when you said "sounds amazing" that you had recorded it! Otherwise more pictures Especialy of the back box? You may find the makers name on there as well!
  8. The USA lol http://www.evasivemotorsports.com/mm5/m ... ry_Code=L1
  9. I say guys. I lost the plot with Wasso's icobars! Thought he was reading the weather:)
  10. Very nice kev and as long as your happy thats all that matters, Dare I ask how much?
  11. Its finished:) just a matter of putting it back together now. I wasn't aware that there was any difference between a 2002 wheel and a 2008 one. can anyone spot the difference? Another clue! let me know when you give up!!
  12. Funny enough if I walk about it goes. What do you think of your wheel thus far Jumping?
  13. OMG I am like a kid in a sweetie shop with that lot. I would not dare leave it when out and needs to be in a locked garage. Do you get any grief from Insurance companies?
  14. They are nice those east European girls I wish I am in agony:(
  15. No progress today as Sciatica has kept me in bed which is rather annoying:(
  16. Good job you started this post as things could spiral:)
  17. I am OEM all round and as i said to a few others, I really would like to get this bluetooth issue sorted to how it should be. To recap, Phone and module talk to each other and both been tested in others cars as working A1 In my car module not communicating with steering wheel controls or head unit. If someone calls me the phone shows they are connected but thats it. Sparky or Smurf will hopefully be able to have a look for me:)
  18. Well as i never went to bed i got down to B&Q for 8am as i reserved the hobbist knife online. As soon as i got back the postman arrived with a package. Inside was a surgical scalpel and 50 number 11 blades. You just cant write a scropt for this project:) Bet if I never went to B&Q the postman would not have called till Monday!!
  19. That's because you are a selling club Must be the most valuable club not to have won anything in the last 7 years.... :no1: +1
  20. Thats proberbly down to the size of the ground and earning potential.
  21. Would be a waste of money upgrading the amp and not the HU or speakers Pete Is it really worth worrying about the factory BT? Yes you lose the steering wheel function but all I need to do to answer a call is press a button on the touchscreen? I could understand if you were a rep travelling 1,000s of miles a week but do you really get that many calls on the move Yes:) HU change, then speakers and amp
  22. Not so as correct me if I am wrong. Did they not LOOSE last week to a better team!
  23. On a seriouse side I was thinking of just swaping the amp over for something with a bit more ummph and ipgrading the speakers. Quite happy to leave the head unit alone unless it is caput were the blue tooth is concerned.
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