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4RE Leather

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  1. Hi mate not sure if you're still around wanted to ask a question if possible. 


  2. U-Boat, I have 5. A big Italian watch starts at about £1200 up to £100k plus. Some genuine used ones on fleabay, but watch out for fakes. All genuine U-Boats have a serial number.
  3. Go for it. Then we can start a GTR section
  4. Oh dear, here we go again. Did you actually read the thread? If the seller will turn up in court to defend the claim and won't do anything completely retarded there is exactly zero chance of nelson winning this. 106 posts and already causing controversy. Read up about money on line. You get a court order for the amount owing. No one goes to court. Can I suggest you concentrate on helping and not coming on at pub closing time being a keyboard warrior To be fair, the OP has mentioned he wants to swap the engine a number of times....so Your comment isn't great Offering to help someone to get his money back is always a good thing. That's what we do on this forum. It was an offer and if he takes it its up to him. I had the same offer made to me 2 years ago on here over something else and got my money back without leaving the computer. I answered his original post. Not the 16 pages further on. Its certainly a lot more helpful than punching is it not! And a few thousand toward a new engine would be nice.
  5. Oh dear, here we go again. Did you actually read the thread? If the seller will turn up in court to defend the claim and won't do anything completely retarded there is exactly zero chance of nelson winning this. 106 posts and already causing controversy. Read up about money on line. You get a court order for the amount owing. No one goes to court. Can I suggest you concentrate on helping and not coming on at pub closing time being a keyboard warrior
  6. NelsON. Write him one letter and give reasonable about of time to reply. Send it special delivery. If he fails to reimburse in full go to this address https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/web/mcol/welcome It's easy to follow and it works. I have used it 3 times now and each time I got my full amount back plus the cost of issuing the summons. Forget all this violence nonsense for now, get them later. A punch in the gob is very satisfying to you , but a refund is more painful to him. If you get stuck then ask one of the guys to help you. I am not going to be about for a few weeks otherwise I will do it for you.
  7. No we won't Maggie Thatcher said that blue and green should never be seen. So Green is out the window.
  8. That's not true. Pipe down Supercharged Boy. You will be supercharged Papa, you will conform. That's a great idea. Graham's Zed has the look's just need's the go, go, go now. Sure Tarmac Chris could do you a good deal Graham. Not listening la la la la la la la!!! Oh yes you are. I can see the excitement in your writing. We should have a whip round and kidnap your Zed and fit a V3 then return it to your driveway. When you next going to Canada?
  9. That's not true. Pipe down Supercharged Boy. You will be supercharged Papa, you will conform. That's a great idea. Graham's Zed has the look's just need's the go, go, go now. Sure Tarmac Chris could do you a good deal Graham. Absolutely agree. I mean that ARK is just crying for some hissing noise to compliment it
  10. That's not true. Pipe down Supercharged Boy. You will be supercharged Papa, you will conform.
  11. seriously I have never liked the thought of my baby sitting outside suffering all cold with ice, snow and freezing rain. The thought of sitting there every morning warming it up for 10-15 mins whilst it thaws out surely can't be good on a regular basis. Engines of old especially diesel trucks that we had in the Army could get condensation in the bores. Or so we were led to believe. In WW11 it would be a death sentence in the Russian army to turn an engine off on a tank or truck.
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