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Everything posted by XUS

  1. I inform the Japfest to see if I can go by date and working, thanks! No problem with the language, the better, so I practice
  2. Thanks to everyone for the welcome! Peter10, when you buy the car for drifting and do the project, I'll show you happy! I from catalonia, a town near the border with France. The G man I've never been to the Basque country, but they say this area is very nice and I have really wanted to visit, now I'm living in Barcelona! When I come back and stay alert! Bronzee Thanks, i read boxer33's posts, that paragraph I can find them? Basque vick54'm not actually my name is Jesus, But all my friends call me Xus. I want to travel to UK to see a Drifting competition, some Suggestion? I want to see a JDM allstars, but not to that circuit go see them, what you recommend me? In my search for Z would not mind having a Z English with RHD, if you knew of some Z with Damaged I might be interested.
  3. Hello from Spain I introduce myself, my name Xus and I am a lover and owner of a 350z 313 cv. The car is standard, only takes a brake lines and clutch line, brake pads Ferodo DS2500, Custom harness bar, Takata harness and wheel spacers 20 and 25 mm. I practice Drifting But when i can and i want to buy Another 350z drift olny for use. Congratulations for your forum, I hope to help and learn many things with you. Sorry for my English, but it is quite small and use the spell. Some pictures of my car. King Regards!
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