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Everything posted by tprice

  1. dont you want to get it code-read first so you know whats causing it to come on? most of the time, its not a great deal to worry about, but if it was my car id still want to know what, why, when etc? there is a guide on here as to how you can pull the code. or is your car modified? i have the eml on 100% of the time, cause of about 5 of my mods lol!
  2. realistically its probably about an hours work! give em credit, those destructions with pics are pretty comprehensive! usually you get a hand drawn bit of screwed up newspaper to follow lol
  3. looks totally standard - brilliant, i bet that surprises people!!! nice motor mate! what does it go like?
  4. yeah we should warn the OP that once he buys a Z the spending doesnt stop there!! you will want to continuosly mod and tweak your Z regardless of what it looks like, drives like etc! I look at mine and think - perfect, go on ebay etc and end up with a list of about £3000s worth of parts i could buy and fit lol its deadly!!! fun though until it comes to rent day
  5. some bargain motors on ebay for about 6-7k! some are prob in horrific condition, but bet you can find some gems out there!
  6. quote - 'the air entering wouldnt be that cool' really??
  7. neil whats with the EAT bit hahahaha! my car has cost me so little in fuel this month, £0.00 in fact best car iv owned did i mention it hasnt left the garage!
  8. servicing is every 9000 i beleive, im sure some1 will correct me if im wrong though, but most service bits can be done on your driveway! so its really not that expensive, the main thing is the fuel mate! but you dont have to drive at 6000rpm everywhere!
  9. get one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where are you located mate
  10. get a photobucket account, upload then paste the link into your post do it now! i wanna see this car
  11. This seems to be standard of most car dealerships nowadays! dealers up north seem to get slated, never heard of anything like it!!!
  12. course it will, any open air filter/induction system is just gonna be soaking that heat up all day long the only induction systems to even consider for performance are enclosed. otherwise you are just going for the sound - which is fine if ya after that! nothing like a cold foggy morning with all the freezing dense air for some throttle response
  13. probably uses same oil, most basic engines using the 5w 30 fully syn these days regards the gasket question - check the service section, couple of members been doing the changes on the driveway, maybe worth shooting them a pm?
  14. not much anyone on here is going to be able to do - the specialist will have probably been looking for the immobiliser control unit in order to remove the wires and bypass the immobiliser. if a specialist couldnt fix it then it sounds like its gonna be tricky work. have you got any japanese documents, take em to your local takeaway and ask em to translate (dont know if chinese is similar) or do you know anyone who can read japanese, the docs might give information on the immobiliser. which could give you some idea as to how it has been installed.
  15. its the invoice for the drive belts
  16. emailed them and told them and still havent changed it, maybe its had an engine transplant lol ill give them the benefit of the doubt though, probably been flat out all day!
  17. I will post up once they have replied to my email - I am intrigued to know what they mean now!
  18. they are all really easy fixes so wouldnt worry too much! see what the garage you bought it off says
  19. i just hate the re040s full stop the 888s have the sexiest tread pattern but now i sound like a tyre whore
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