From BTL in the Guardian. Sums it up pretty well...
The election campaign so far:
Theresa May: *Squawk* Strong and Stable *squawk* strong and stable *squawk* coalition of chaos.
Boris Johnson: ehehehehehe....mugwump.....ehehehehehe.
Rest of the Conservatives: I can't comment myself, I agree with whatever Theresa May says, policies will be announced.....soon....maybe.
Daily Mail: Death to traitors, destroy the saboteurs, crush the opposition.
Rest of media: Farron do you like gay sex? Corbyn are you a terrorist sympathiser and far left Marxist intent on destroying the country? Theresa do you agree that Boris is a very funny man and can you tell us how you stay so stylish on the campaign trail?
Rest of the political parties: Hello? We have some actual policy announcements here. Anyone?