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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Out on 370z arms, all 350z arms in stock, limited quantity available. Next stock due 3rd week in July.
  2. We're fitting this setup on our 2016 Nismo 370z this week: - AAM S intakes - AAM Nismo titanium tails - AAM mid pipes - Motordyne ART test pipes It will sound similar to this: Not sure this is the sound you're after but it's worth checking as well.
  3. They could at least use a pirate copy of Windows 10 if they can't afford the license...
  4. Meanwhile, it appears £3.5 bil spent on HMSQE wasn’t enough to get a more modern OS https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jun/27/hms-queen-elizabeth-royal-navy-vulnerable-cyber-attack Wonder if Trident is still on Windows 95...
  5. But that's exactly where the billion pounds came from that they paid the DUP. We didn't have it, but the we did. That's magic. What do you mean, it's from the Magic Money Tree! Oh, wait...
  6. The cat does the job, it's a high flow cat. No manufacture guarantees you will pass the emission regulations in all countries in the world with most saying that they are for off road use. You can try to find a friendly MOT tester like everyone else does, even with test pipes
  7. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/115424-review-stoptech-street-pads-slotted-discs/
  8. 10x1.25 like this one: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/gear-knobs/166-350z-blox-racing-limited-series-6-speed-shift-knobs-bxac-00236-neo.html We also have the 12mm, but they come with reducers to 10mm for Nissan 350z/370z etc.
  9. There's a video of it on Facebook as well, uuuuuugly
  10. Is this what you need? https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/suspension-steering/1737-350z-p2m-eccentric-lockout-bolt-kit-p2-lowz33-hc.html
  11. Pre-facelift tow hooks arrived today and orders were shipped for delivery tomorrow or the day after. The remaining pre-facelift stock: M16 - 350z prefacelift 3 red 5 blue 3 neo-chrome 2 black 2 silver 0 gold 1 green 1 purple All available to order online here: 350z PREFACELIFT - https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/exterior/12113-350z-2003-2005-torqen-tow-hook-pre-facelift-model-trqz33thpfl.html 350z FACELIFT - https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/exterior/12112-350z-2006-2008-torqen-tow-hook-facelift-model-trqz33thfl.html 370z - https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/370z/body-styling/exterior/12114-370z-torqen-tow-hook-trqz34th.html
  12. It does, search for 370z nismo wheels - https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR4.TRC2.A0.H0.X370z+nismo+wheels.TRS0&_nkw=370z+nismo+wheels&_sacat=0 I'm not questioning the value or how rare they are, but I think you'll be waiting a long to to sell at that price I just think those alloys alone might to appeal to one with a regular Z, unless they have the kit fitted like I have. In the future there's a few aftermarket wheels I'd like, in flat black. But for now I'm just refurbing my own, even that is costing me £105 per wheel, which is on the high end! It'll do for now, but can I resist a mk2 nismo spoiler ? I'm sure someone told me it's straight swap, was it you ? I'm not in a rush, I waited over 2 years for the Twin Turbo kit to sell and today I was paid the asking price and shipped it already They won't ask for food while stored in the garage, with the other set of 20" wheels I have there from a GT-R R35 2010 It wasn't me, I didn't look into this, sorry.
  13. It does, search for 370z nismo wheels - https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR4.TRC2.A0.H0.X370z+nismo+wheels.TRS0&_nkw=370z+nismo+wheels&_sacat=0
  14. I doubt there will be some used ones for sale, they are work of art so you keep them on the wall even if you sold the car! :lol: Jokes aside, plenty in stock if you decide to go for new. You can always get them for free if you buy my Nismo v2 wheels!
  15. I have about 23 messages from you which I'm going to go trough now, it's been hectic today, so many deliveries, sorry for the delay!
  16. StopTechs in stock, all parts in this pack: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/brakes/pack-deals/8886-350z-stoptech-fr-brake-discs-pads-lines-and-fluid-pack-slotted-brembo.html You can select just the discs and pads if you don't want the lines and fluid.
  17. Springs: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/interior/976-350z-nissan-oem-rear-boot-lift-spring-84415-cd71a.html in stock
  18. Parts required to fix the slave cylinder problems: Line: https://www.torqen.u...ine-nc-310.html Slave Cylinder: https://www.torqen.u...r-13842019.html Fluid: https://www.torqen.u...t-4-101667.html
  19. Mine are on eBay already - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/263035399431 and there is a considerable amount of interest, including outside UK.
  20. The rear camber arms don't replace the spring bucket. It'd the toe arms that do that, only when you go true coilover setup (spring is on the arm, like on the front, not separate). Camber arms: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/suspension-steering/arms-links/761-350z-eibach-rear-camber-arms-572050k.html Toe alignment bolts: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/suspension-steering/arms-links/762-350z-eibach-pro-alignment-rear-toe-only-adjustment-kit-572055k.html
  21. Lots of banana arms in stock, see here: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/suspension-steering/arms-links/8996-350z-dorman-front-left-side-lower-non-adjustable-control-arm-and-ball-joint-521-601.html https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/suspension-steering/arms-links/8997-350z-dorman-front-right-side-lower-non-adjustable-control-arm-and-ball-joint-521-602.html If you fancy to change just the bushes, this kit covers the whole front: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/suspension-steering/bushes/769-350z-energy-suspension-front-control-arm-bushing-set-73121.html
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