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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/intakes/intakes-system/453-350z-jwt-pop-charger-bracket-pg3503-brkt1.html
  2. The following are in stock: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/gear-knobs/166-350z-blox-racing-limited-series-6-speed-shift-knobs-bxac-00236-neo.html https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/gear-knobs/455-350z-nismo-gt-titanium-shift-knob-32865-rn013.html https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/gear-knobs/607-350z-mishimoto-carbon-fiber-racing-shift-knob-mmsk-cf.html We have 25pcs on order of these: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/gear-knobs/370-350z-south-bend-shift-knob-sb1450-z33-s.html
  3. For future reference, we have all gaskets in stock for next day delivery https://www.torqen.uk/120-gaskets-hangers-tips
  4. The trader fees on this forum are ridiculously small for the amount of business can generate, if the services and products you offer are promoted consistently, at just £55/year. I'd be happy to pay that per month without hesitation. As others said, trader fees should be raised, even more now when we've been told we have a new server, new site etc. That must cost quite a lot to rent / maintain. I speak from experience as we have a few colocated servers. My advice, of course, if you allow me, is to be a bit more active here, post at least once a week with lots of photos and videos of your work, doesn't have to be 350z or 370z. Members are looking I guess for trim quality, leather colours and options, stitching styles and so on. I'm here every day and I quite forgot about your services until your recent thread with the green seats. Funnily enough I was look for similar services for my two Jeep Wranglers, so I'll be in touch soon, once they arrives in UK in August. If new members don't see your threads, you can have the best services and the cheapest prices, they won't find out about it, so they'll go to Jack Royal by default. Hope this helps.
  5. Not so much last time I saw you!
  6. OEM W brace is the best option. Nobody else does the brackets or hardware kits either. You can remove them and sandblast and powdercoat, if they are not rotten completely. Failing that, all parts are in stock, ready for next day delivery. https://www.torqen.uk/137-braces
  7. Just look at his early life: ====== Chester Bennington was born in Phoenix, Arizona. His mother was a nurse, while his father was a police detective who worked with child sex abuse cases,[3] and took double shifts.[4] Bennington took interest in music at a young age, citing bands Depeche Mode and Stone Temple Pilots as his early inspirations,[5] and dreamed of becoming a member of Stone Temple Pilots.[6] Bennington's parents divorced when he was 11 years old, and his father gained custody of him.[4] After the divorce, Bennington started abusing marijuana, alcohol, opium, cocaine, methamphetamine,[5][7] and LSD.[4] He eventually overcame his drug addiction, and would go on to denounce drug use in future interviews.[8] During one Linkin Park tour, he started heavily drinking.[3] In 2011, he claimed to have quit, noting: "I just don't want to be that person anymore."[9] In an interview, Bennington revealed that he suffered sexual abuse from an older male friend when he was seven years old.[9] He was afraid to ask for help because he did not want people to think he was gay or lying, and the abuse continued until the age of 13.[4] The abuse and situation at home affected him so much that he felt the urge to kill and run away.[4] To comfort himself, he drew pictures, and wrote poetry and songs.[4] Later, he revealed the abuser's identity to his father, but chose not to continue the case after he realized the abuser was a victim himself.[7] At the age of 17, Bennington moved in with his mother, and was banned from leaving the house when his mother discovered his drug activity.[4] He worked at a Burger King before starting his career as a professional musician.[5] He was physically bullied in high school. In an interview, he said: "I was knocked around like a rag doll at school, for being skinny and looking different." =======
  8. Another one bytes the dust, what a shame http://www.tmz.com/2017/07/20/linkin-park-singer-chester-bennington-dead-commits-suicide/
  9. Hi, Welcome to the club! Perhaps you need to double check the prices with Jez, pretty sure you've got it wrong. I'd factor about £9,000 minimum for Supercharger (Vortech V3) + supporting mods + installation + UpRev tune & License. A better clutch, slave and master cylinder would also be something you might want to budget. To give you an idea about costs of the SC and supporting mods, see this kit here: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/turbos-superchargers/superchargers/422-350z-de-vortech-v3-sci-custom-supercharger-kit-trq-vsc350detrq-vsc350revup.html Give @Jez @ H-Dev a call or message him, he will advise on the pricing. If you're on a budget, might want to strip some of the parts from the car to make it a bit lighter and improve the suspension, brakes, tyres first.
  10. Works fine on iOS too, finds the location well if you allow the browser to use your GPS.
  11. Works fine for me, just added a generic home location on Safari 11 on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13. I'll also try on the iOS 11 now and report back.
  12. 350z Brackets are here now, the 350z conversion kit ready to ship.
  13. Berk Test DE pipes now in stock: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/exhausts/test-pipes/31-350z-de-berk-technology-test-pipes-bt1401.html
  14. Why not replacing both the undertray with an aluminium one and also the arch liners? https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/exterior/1663-350z-torqen-undertrays-trq-ut350.html https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/exterior/8826-350z-torqen-wheel-arch-liner-splash-guard-set-fr-trq-350z-sg-fr.html Undertray comes with all new hardware.
  15. 15mm both front and rear should do.
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