Hi guys,
As a Romanian born I was doing some research on the internet in regards to famous Romanians living/lived in the UK for my community website:
http://www.romani-online.co.uk/personal ... a-britanie
and found this:
http://www.motortrader.com/general-news ... -fighting/
http://www.motortrader.com/general-news ... ssan-past/
http://www.nytimes.com/1998/07/18/busin ... andal.html
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/busin ... 21267.html
Anyone else here knows more about the him? I can see there were few controversies about him to say at least, but very interesting to find out that he basically brought some of the first Nissans / Datsuns in the UK, making me feel somehow proud
Another reason to be proud of is the charity side of his live, over £100 million donated
http://www.gosh.org/gen/redevelopment/t ... tnar-wing/
http://www.camelia-botnar-childrens-cen ... outus.html