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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Who's Will? Sky... Disconnecting people! Welcome back!
  2. LOL! :lol: Only one thing worse than starting your own birthday thread and that's hijacking someone else's
  3. I'm not really blonde with blue eyes, am I? Why are you calling me Arian? :lol: :lol:
  4. Do I go for standard / OEM fans or should I look for something like these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330835996569
  5. Right, had some more time today to have a look at the car and found out that one of the fans is not working, I guess this is the culprit! What could it be? Do I need to change the fans? Could it be a sensor or a switch? Posted from my iPhone5 using Tapatalk on iOS6
  6. It's not even half nice as the colour is in real life, pictures don't do justice to the matte vinyl colours!
  7. Interesting, will have a look at the fans again today. Will let the car run for 15-30min see what happens. Thanks
  8. Yes, not the first time stuck in traffic like that. Both fans working ok. Could have been an airlock somewhere, I've changed the hoses and coolant reservoir recently...
  9. Strange one tonight, stuck in traffic on A406 near Neasden in London for few good minutes and as I was moving sloooooooooooowly heard some funny noise, similar to a helicopter noise really far in the sky. Lowered the window and no sign of a helicopter, put the windows up again and noise came back. All happening in less than a minute. Then I checked the dashboard and the water gauge was on red, stopped immediately just off A406 and opened the bonnet. The coolant in the reservoir was boiling really hard and as soon as I stopped the coolant was coming off the overflow, must have been at least 500ml-1litre spilled in the road. Being afraid that it could be the head-gasket from overheating I called RAC, didn't want to start the car again. An hour later, the guy came, add some water into the radiator directly and checked all hoses, all dry, no leaks. Started the engine, the engine held its pressure, radiators kicked in in few minutes, water level bellow half way on the temperature gauge, engine absolutely fine! Drove home for another 15 miles with no problem at all, oil level fine, coolant fine, no overheating. The RAC guy said it could be a malfunctioning thermostat and that I should have it checked tomorrow, adding that it was very very odd. What do you think it might have been?
  10. Just outside my house, it was grid lock yesterday, took me 4 hours from Heathrow Terminal 3 to home in Bushey, tried Rickmansworth, tried Leavesden, Garston, etc, virtually impossible to get home for a good few hours! Anyway, extremely sad...
  11. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/63314-das-6-pro-dual-action-polisher-used-only-once/
  12. 2013 is going to be boring without my car in it! :lol:
  13. Hotel also booked, all confirmed now. COME ON PEOPLE, DON'T MISS THIS YEAR! BOOK YOUR PLACE HERE!
  14. 1. glrnet+1 18th & 19th Hotel booked 17th, 18th & 19th 2. buster+1 18th & 19th Hotel booked 17/th & 18th 3. Keyser +1 18th & 19th Hotel booked 17th & 18th 4 Wasso +1 18th & 19th Hotel booked 17th, 18th & 19th 5. Will370z +1 18th 19th. Hotel booked 17th, 18th & 19th 6. Paddy78 18th & 19th Hotel booked 17th, 18th & 19th 7. octet + 1 - 18th & 19th Hotel booked 17th, 18th & 19th
  15. There is no visible edges on the door shuts, they look like they've been sprayed to match, perfectly wrapped! Will take some photos tomorrow and post them here for you.
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