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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Duck the manual, who has time for that, all connected, putting everything back together.
  2. Couldn't agree more, I hate these commercial "special days": Valentines, Halloween, Christmas, Boxing Day, blah blah! Well done, Chris!
  3. Got it this time, thanks! Fitting as we speak, where do I connect the BLUE wire? Do I have to remove the door card?
  4. Thanks Darren! Yeah, she knows, she follows the forum Will let you know when I have all parts and agreed a date with TheZedShed Performance
  5. Oh well, cased closed: "The Food Standards Agency closed a slaughterhouse in West Yorkshire and a processing plant in Wales after an investigation found horse carcasses had been used to make beefburgers and kebabs sold in Britain. The Environment Secretary said he was absolutely shocked by the allegations and expected the full force of the law to be used against anyone involved in the trade. The raids represent the first time British meat suppliers have been involved in the scandal since contaminated beefburgers were discovered in January. Previously, beefburgers and ready meals contaminated with horse meat have been traced to Romania and Poland. Owen Paterson, the Environment Secretary, said: “This is absolutely shocking. “It’s totally unacceptable if any business in the UK is defrauding the public by passing off horse meat as beef. “I expect the full force of the law to be brought down on anyone involved in this kind of activity.â€" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/foodanddrinknews/9866405/Horse-meat-passed-off-as-beef-by-UK-firms.html
  6. I think he was referring to The Sun article: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4787786/Nabbed-stabbed-and-beaten-wild-horses-to-go-in-our-beef.html Who cares about what DailyMail and The Sun write anyway...
  7. False allegations against Romanian meat producers in the case of the horsemeat found in products sold in the UK The Ambassador of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Dr Ion Jinga, has declared today the following: “A proper inquiry had been conducted by the Romanian authorities, and from all the data we have at the moment, there was no breach of European rules committed by companies from Romania or on Romanian territory. “We have understood that the horse meat found in meat products sold in the UK has been imported by the lasagne producers as minced meat from another EU member state. Romanian companies do not export any kind of minced meat. The horse meat they export to the other EU markets is not processed and is properly labelled and controlled. “It is outrageous what some media had written about the killing of wild horses from the natural reservation in the Danube Delta. Those horses are all micro-chipped and under permanent surveillance. The NGO “Vier Pfoten†has confirmed that takes care of them and its director reported yesterday that no horse from the reservation has been sacrificed.†“It is very sad that false data has been released without prior checking. This is an unacceptable manipulation and I believe the British public does not deserve to be served with false and distorted information. We in Romania love horse as much as Britons do.â€
  8. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/02/10/horsemeat-in-lasagne-romania-investigates_n_2656702.html "The Romanian government is investigating whether the horsemeat came from a slaughterhouse in Romania, reported the BBC. Frozen foods firm Findus, which has taken its beef lasagnes off shelves said it was looking into legal action as an internal investigation "strongly suggests" that the contamination "was not accidental". The Trading Standards Institute has said the discovery of such high levels of horse meat suggests "deliberate fraudulent activity"."
  9. No worries Big G, we've sent all the horse meat to UK as requested by the big supermarkets, Romanian products contain pure beef! "Constantin Savu, a representative of Romania's National Food Safety Authority, said more than 25 abattoirs there were authorised not only to butcher horsemeat but also to export it within the EU." But he added: "We cannot know what happens to it... after it exits the abattoir." He said an investigation was under way to establish what had happened. " http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21401111
  10. WANT! As soon as I finish the SC project, this is next on my list, a combination of leather and carbon fibre!
  11. Payment for MotorDyne Art pipes sent, thanks Tom.
  12. Got all of it already, thanks for heads up, Ebized and Paddy78! Just updated my thread Rich, anything else you got? Feeling vulture at the moment!
  13. Some progress Finalised the shopping list from USA and decided to go for the following mods to support the SC-ing: 1. Vortech Stainless Steel Oil Feed Nozzle and Crush Washer 2. Vortech Filter for Maxflow Mini Race By-pass Valve 3. HKS super fire racing plugs ( heat range 8) set of 6 for 350z DE 4. UpRev GT MAF Sensor 5. Torque Solution Billet Aluminum Transmission Mount 350Z 6. Injector Dynamics 725cc injectors with pigtails - Matched set of 6 7. Aeromotive Stealth 340lph In Tank Fuel Pump with Setup Kit 8. Fuel tank o ring (if not included in fuel return kit) 9. CJM stage 0 fuel return kit 10. AAM Oil pan spacer with ports - 350Z DE 11. Stillen Setrab 19 row oil cooler kit 12. Apexi power intake kit. Universal filter and flange (diameter = 85mm) 13. Z1 motorsports RED silicon couplers replacement for blue Vortech couplers 14. Vortech Original Intercooler 15. Clamps First lot from 1 to 9 has already arrived this week, yeeey! Some more bling arrived as well, the Weapon-R Ti torque damper: The second part of the list arriving sometime next week! I take this opportunity to thank GT4Zed member on here for talking to the suppliers in the US, organising deliveries and giving me a gazzilion tones of information about engines, supercharging, etc, etc. After tens of hours of chatting over the telephone it felt a bit like Neo from Matrix: I KNOW KUNG FU! Thanks again, Bennett!
  14. Speak to Taras or Ray at RT-Peformance if you are in the South-East for spraying and fitting, they are a trader on here. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/145-rt-performance/
  15. Want a grandpa like that!
  16. Hi Michael, Didn't know your brother, but extremely sorry to hear these bad news! Hopefully he will make a full recover and will soon chat about his project here! Adrian
  17. OK, ok, you can come, too! Talking about the weather in UK, I've started to seriously consider USA as an alternative in this decade, before I'm 40.
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