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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. That's another story, it's like comparing Apple with Dell...
  2. They all worked fine on my Bose setup, but upgraded my sound system to Morel, etc Details here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/53663-building-the-best-sound-system-for-the-z/
  3. http://www.rhdjapan.com/arc-super-induction-box-z33-350z-vq35de-50230 + VAT + Duty + transport http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150854599607 + same as above I wish I could keep it with the Vortech setup, trust me, sounds amazing, looks superb, keeps its value very well! And it's rare as hens teeth
  4. Hmm, let me check some tutorials see how difficult is to remove existent and plug the new one in, maybe I can do a little video.
  5. I guess it's quite the same, didn't get a chance to get it fitted and now I'm planning having the OEM one heavily modified and personalised, so no point the modify the Nismo one
  6. All items combined here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/70833-nismo-bose-gt-spec-meisterr-stillen-and-oem-clearance/
  7. Right, finally got to fit the MotorDyne ART pipes today, replacing the Berk HFCs which are now for sale, as soon as the moderators approve my topic. Lots of goodies in there, watch the For Sale section today The car sounds a lot better I think, I love it! Here is the new setup:
  8. Imagine having £28.000 budget to play on a 350z... Why would anyone spend nearly 30.000 on a Toyota?
  9. "Scientists have unveiled the latest prototype of a car that "drives itself" with the help of a tablet computer. Acting like a plane on auto-pilot, it is designed to take over from humans in slow-moving heavy traffic or on a familiar route, such as a school run. It is activated using an iPad on the dashboard - by tapping on a prompt, the driver can make the car's onboard computer take the wheel. Robotcar, which is being developed by Oxford University and Nissan at Begbroke Science Park in Oxfordshire, uses a combination of external sensors and computer power to calculate the correct direction and speed." http://uk.news.yahoo.com/robotcar-latest-driver-less-vehicle-unveiled-211012704.html
  10. Oh man, BBK and SMD have a very strange influence on this forum lately!
  11. Bumper tuck this weekend?! Looks nice, bet it sounds awesome, too!
  12. Watching me!?!? I'll be doing the watching, trust me, can't you see how bad I am with the spanners?
  13. You seem to be stuck on the GTR seats idea Not doing it anymore, got other plans, and R35LEE is on the run!
  14. http://www.motordyneengineering.com/product_info.php?products_id=121 Through countless hours of research and development a new path has been explored in the never ending quest for performance. A method of directly altering exhaust harmonics for enhanced performance and sound, this is Motordyne's debut of the Patent Pending Advanced Resonance TuningTM. 15 to 20 Ftlbs more low end torque than conventional test pipes. ART pipes increase power and torque without the drastic increase in loudness normally associated with test pipes. These provide the quietest, smoothest, deepest sound while greatly reducing or eliminating rasp and drone. The difference in sound is not subtle. They're not conventional test pipes. They're ART pipes!
  15. Nothing related to Valentine's Day got the MotorDyne ART pipes as well to replace the Berk HFC which will soon be in the For Sale section, hopefully this weekend, together with the ARC super induction box, Berk Polished Intake tube and other bits So the exhaust setup will be: MotorDyne ART Pipes + MotorDyne XYZ pipe + Amuse R1Titanium Exhaust ==> TUNNEL? WHERE? WHERE? Is it Wales 2013 yet?
  16. Perfect, not working Must be that blue wire which I did not connect correctly http://seology.com/shots/iPhoto-20130214-174833.jpg
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