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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Bennett today: "Adrian, this is a cow, not a dog!" He's over 70kg and not overweight That's about what I weigh He looks awesome! Thanks, buddy! Here are some more photos of Bruno
  2. Bennett today: "Adrian, this is a cow, not a dog!" He's over 70kg and not overweight
  3. Neah, it would be at the ZedTemple down South, where the Gods are!
  4. Oh, man, what a day we had today! GT4-Zed / Bennett came down to London to deliver some of my SC parts. We left the parts with Bruno to guide them for us and went out for a drive: Larger file here: http://seology.com/350z/scp-lrg.jpg I'll let Bennett tell you what happened next, but just to give you a clue and the start of a looooooooong day, I'll give you this photo taken on M1 J2 Southbound: Everybody is safe now, don't panic!
  5. I'm dead jealous! WANT to visit the ZEDTEMPLE!
  6. Why not email him for some options and prices, discounts, etc
  7. Hope you didn't forget about me, as well!
  8. Can't comment, you helped by getting the Berk HFC, thank you! ME hungry!
  9. Mark, are you aliiiiveee??? Haven't seen you around for a decade or so!
  10. The only time in my life when I got into a fight was when a random lad was (not sure what's the correct term in English) "hounding?" his dog against my 5yo sister. Poor girl was climbing a school fence scared as hell crying crazy and the dog was barking set by the lad and trying to catch her. What follows is epic, he lost two teeth, had 16 stitches on his head and a broken arm. The worst part of it, I didn't realize I was doing that to him, nor did I ever do any full contact sport. I think in desperate situations we are capable of more than what we think we are now, bad or good
  11. I'm sure Ekona would also be capable doing all that and even more as soon as he's a father
  12. Thanks Let's just hope that we would never need to find out...
  13. I know you're provoking me, but that's exactly what I would do! Call me insane, psychopath or any other medical / criminal term you may want! The only difference is that I wouldn't stop only with him, I'll search for his family members... All of them, until police catches me. Nope, but don't need to to understand the emotions involved. I've met you, you're a decent human being, not an utter psychopath. You probably would go mental at them and batter them with whatever you had to hand in the heat of the moment, but that's it. No way would you: Stalk them for a week to learn their movements Hatch a plan to kidnap them Find a secluded place to take them to Kidnap them Tie them up securely Keep them conscious Pick a selection of tools with which to do nasty things (use your imagination here!) Carry out the acts Keep the suffering going for as long as possible No chance, because you're not insane. That's a good thing mate, and I don't believe anyone on here would be capable of any of that either, regardless of posturing. Instant anger yes, but calculated revenge? Nope, not buying it,
  14. I won't be decent any more, trust me! Would become the most savage person ever known on Earth! Do you have kids?
  15. I'm pretty sure that any of us that have kids will not care anymore about the law in this kind of situation...
  16. http://www.channel5.com/shows/killers-behind-bars/episodes/robert-black
  17. http://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/buy/questions/retract-bid.html
  18. Hmm..............................................................................
  19. There is always the alternative of the all mighty ARC SuperInduction box available for sale on here
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