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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Found BBK's photo he sent me as a PM couple of nights ago!
  2. Dave is that you and your speedo?
  3. Perhaps some turquoise nappies as well?
  4. I was going to get these for BBK! Would be very nice if he wears it when I'm going to take him for a ride in Wales 2013 in my turquoise SC car... What do you think?
  5. I work hard, you know? Just sayin'...
  6. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200909032570
  7. In the end I've decided to have mine from the same seller, but custom: That was £35.00 more, should be here next week.
  8. Has DOG meat been found in our food? New takeaway horror after experts discover 'mystery meat' in a lamb curry Samples of curries and kebabs from six outlets in London were tested The meat in a lamb curry could not be identified as common animal source One burger contained no beef at all other than blood and heart Beef in another dish was found to contain chicken material including blood A mystery meat, which has defied the best efforts of scientists to identify it, has been found in a lamb curry as part of an investigation into food fraud. The discovery raises new questions about just what is going into the nation’s takeaways and processed foods. A BBC documentary to be aired on BBC3 tonight sent samples of curries and kebabs bought from six outlets in London for laboratory tests. The meat in a Beef in Black Bean Sauce dish turned out to contain high levels of chicken material including blood, while a burger contained no beef at all, other than blood and heart. However, most alarming of all was a curry. A spokesman for the programme said: ‘Just when we thought things couldn't get any worse, the results came in for an Indian Lamb Curry. ‘It did contain meat, but that meat was not lamb, not pork, nor was it chicken or beef. Not horse, and not goat either.’ All of the many tests to date by the lab used by the programme have failed to identify exactly which animal was the source of the meat. The revelation raises many grim possibilities. There is evidence from Spain, for example, of meat from dog carcasses being processed for use in pet food. This is not the first time that a question mark has been put over the content of the take-out dishes eaten by millions of Britons every day. Just last year, a survey of 20 lamb curries in the West Midlands found all had been bulked up with cheaper beef, pork and chicken. Amazingly, four contained no lamb at all, rather the outlets used either beef or chicken which was hidden beneath a powerful and spicy sauce. At the same time, a meat cutting plant in Wales has been accused of supplying horsemeat from an abattoir in Yorkshire to companies making kebabs and burgers for hundreds of independent take-aways. The discovery of horsemeat in big brand products sold by supermarkets like Tesco and Asda, together with chains like Burger King and big brands from Birds Eye to Findus, has changed the nation’s shopping habits. The implication of take-out curries in food fraud could also hit the industry hard. Horsemeat Banquet, BBC Three, March 27, 10pm. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2299519/Has-DOG-meat-food-New-takeaway-horror-experts-discover-mystery-meat-lamb-curry.htm
  9. I'm not pretty, I'M DAMN HOT AND SUPER SEXY! END OF!
  10. What would that mean in your own words?
  11. I wouldn't do that to you, a gentleman never tells.
  12. You wish! I've never PM'd you in my life! Don't make me make some of your PMs public! At least yours are nicer than SMD's. He so filthy!
  13. BBK and SMD are spamming my inbox with invites for late dinners so I must have missed yours, sorry! PM me again sometime!
  14. Can you see R35LEE here lately? He did not answer my calls, texts, PMs etc since January. He's safe on Facebook Still looking for some
  15. Looking good! How about the Berk intake with the black couplers? How about the roof vinyl wrapped in gloss black?
  16. Beeeennnneeeeeeettt!! Thanks for yesterday, buddy! Well, I'm fast! Will be even faster once we've sort out the FI / SC bit We also need to get two more ProClips when you have a chance for the Oil Catch Can, we've only bought two yesterday I hope you've been to Phil already! Will call him in a minute to check up on you!
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