My belt is a bit longer, but ordered a smaller one to test:
GATES 6pk 1973 6pk1973 Micro V Ribbed belt
GTM mod details:
Mark, fair play, you know your tuning! It's a totally different car now, in a different league! I'm well pleased with it!
Specially after I changed the transmission mount last night, the feeling is phenomenal when accelerating!
Just need to sort out the belt slipping and I'd have to come to see you again for 1-2 hours on the Dyno. I'll be fitting an engine damper hopefully this weekend and I hope the Wasso Charge pipe will be ready sometime next week to get rid of some silicon couplers.
Thank you again!
Needs a good clean up once I finish with all other bits and pieces:
Next on the to do list before Wales:
1. Fitting the AFR wideband and the Oil temp gauges
2. Replacing the clutch line
3. Ground kit in red
4. Stillen Engine damper
5. SPL front and rear camber arms
6. Replace rear view camera
7. Shorter Gates belt / GTM pulley mod
8. Fitting the Torque Solution Billet Transmission Mount
9. Bigger T Clamps
10. Engine start button
More updates to follow.
Just arrived home! It's only 1:22am, Monday morning!
That was a hell of an weekend!
No time to go through photos and videos tonight, but promise will try tomorrow!
Will report live from Abbey tomorrow
Hi Mark, all ok from first try, 100 miles so far, no errors, no leaks, see you tonight? :lol
Map is good and safe, but boring
See you in about 12 hours!
O (ring!?), what a cracking weekend!!! All done, car running smooth, driving back to London in the next 30 minutes!
Thanks ever so much!
Pictures to follow tonight!
Damn right, Papa!
Morning people! Lets geeeeeeeeeeeeet reaaaaaaaaady toooooo ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubleeeeee!
Bennett, are you up yet?