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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. "mite" - Mites, along with ticks, are small arthropods belonging to the subclass Acari (also known as Acarina) and the class Arachnida. The scientific discipline devoted to the study of ticks and mites is called acarology. Via Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mite might?!
  2. If you're staying NA, a smaller oil cooler is sufficient for when you're "playing" with the car, like the Stillen one I have For Sale here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/70833-gt-spec-meisterr-stillen-and-oem-goodies-for-sale
  3. Keep it coming guys, we have already 5 people in the queue.
  4. Yes, it will fit. It is already on use on other cars in the US. Are you not going for this? http://www.buyimportperformance.com/Fluidampr_Nissan_VQ35_350Z_V6_p/640901.htm
  5. Love you, too, mate! Ideally, if we can get 10 people interested, I can try my magic on prices
  6. You do realise this is a group buy and as there are not hundreds of SC zeds in the UK, probably it will be the first and the last
  7. Vlad, few reasons why I decided to get it: 1. Cosmetic - looks nicer in the engine bay instead the three pipes joined by two couplers, lots of clamps, etc: 2. Less chance of leaking boost as it happened to me when the original Vortech clamps came off on boost. Also that caused some problems with the pulley cutting into one of the couplers and clamps. 3. For v1 - more air volume for the AFM, specially for smaller pulleys setup 3.12" and 2.87" when the MAF GT sensor risks to be maxed out on tuning. More details on my build thread. 4. The AFM sensor it's a bit further away from the engine hence keep it a bit more cooler.
  8. They're nearly sold, awaiting confirmation from two people, whoever pays first gets them
  9. In the attention of the Vortech SC owners!! Darren-B, wizard, Sam Mcgoo, evilscorp, Keyser, The Chubby Ninja, OsakaBen, Vlad, anyone else I've missed? As some of you are aware Wasso tried to build this pipe for a few good months, but was let down by the manufacturer. I finally managed to get a manufacturer in the US that is able to source the pipe in two different versions for us. v1. 3" all the way with a Samco Sport coupler/reducer to 2.75" Suitable for people that haven't had the car yet tuned, more volume of air in the AFM, better control of the AFM sensor voltage when tuning. Also suitable for the guys that will soon have their cars retuned going for a smaller / bigger pulley. Lead time - 3-4 weeks v2. 3" and stepped down to 2.75" at the end where is goes into the blower This is suitable for the Vortech owners that just want the single 1 pipe and don't need a re-tune of their car I will be getting some prices depending on how many of you are interested. The more of us, the cheaper we can get it. Please state your interest bellow: 1. octet - v1 2. GT4Zed - v1 - unpolished 3. OsakaBen - v1 4. evilscorp - v1 - unpolished 5. Darren-B - v1 6. Keyser - v1 - unpolished - might need a second pipe, details to follow 7. Vlad - v1 - unpolished 8. Sam McGoo - v1 polished 9. 10.
  10. Watching live news on Sky News
  11. What colour do you need it in?
  12. I'll sell you mine for £2000 and get my self a copy, Genuine Nismo v1 kit
  13. Life would be so boring without taking risks! Also, what better reason to have a fully rebuilt engine towards 650rwhp if not: "Sorry Leti, engine just gone bang, need a new one!" :lol:
  14. I have the 3.12" at the moment, but looks like it's going to either GT4Zed or SamMcGoo
  15. I'll pop by and bring some sausages to throw on the BBQ
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