Another payment in, list updated, thank you:
1. octet - v1 - polished with RED reducer - PAID
2. GT4Zed - v1 - unpolished without reducer - PAID
3. OsakaBen - v1 - polished with BLACK reducer - PAID
4. evilscorp - v1 - unpolished with BLACK reducer - PAID
5. Darren-B - v1 - polished with BLACK reducer - PAID
6. Keyser - v1 - polished with BLACK reducer - PAID
7. Vlad - v1 - polished with BLUE reducer - PAID
8. Sam McGoo - v1 polished with reducer
9. Keyser - v1 - polished with BLACK reducer - PAID
10. octet - v1 - polished with BLACK reducer - PAID
Come on, SamMc Goo, where are you?
Vortec27, are you still interested?