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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. The first shipment is ready, parts are being packed as we speak, hoping to have everything on the way to UK early next week. Zakustech louvers will be on the same shipment!
  2. Yes, this feature is already implemented in the new system and we're working to synchronise it with the warehouses, US and UK.
  3. Thanks Simon, will ask for your help as soon as the new system is up. The design is now complete, except some menu and categories icons. We're implementing the Front End features as we speak. Huge amount of work! Can't wait for the new site to go live.
  4. Only 8 x 350z and 1 x 370z undertrays in stock, discounted on the BLACK FRIDAY extended sale.
  5. https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/suspension-steering/arms-links/4137-350z-whiteline-front-rear-sway-bar-end-link-klc141-klc110.html £185+ shipping vs £179 shipped for forum members.
  6. Sorry I couldn't help on these, Paul. Braum Racing, SPL and EVO-R products now added as well.
  7. I know it's not RT.com, but worth checking, along with all further comments from David: https://twitter.com/DavidHenigUK/status/1067750985676873728/photo/1
  8. Thanks for the tag Jack! Lots of options here: https://www.torqen.uk/83-exhaust-systems Invidia Gemini would also be my call paired with TORQEN High Flow Cats.
  9. Did you message the Admins on that page regarding this transaction? They could try to speak to the guy on your behalf.
  10. Watched it live last night, another amazing achievement for the human kind. Mind boggling, 6 months travel time, about 300,0000,000 miles and close to $1,000,000,000 cost! We could do so much more if we spent the resources in research and development rather than wars and lobby. With the private companies like SpaceX, Blue Origins and Virgin Galactic joining the space race, let's hope we will see more stuff like this happening in the near future. Seen this? http://uk.businessinsider.com/nasa-sls-replacement-spacex-bfr-blue-origin-new-glenn-2018-11
  11. “The Brexit deal negotiated by Prime Minister Theresa May will lower economic output over the coming decade compared with staying in the European Union, researchers said. The deal would lower gross domestic product per capita by between 1.9 percent and 5.5 percent versusEU membership, said a team led by economist Jonathan Portes. Leaving without a deal could lower output per head as much as 8.7 percent” https://apple.news/Amna7Rx0RTDWgC6UqKabdYw
  12. Hi William, If you're looking for new, we have these listed here: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/370z/body-styling/lights/18871-370z-nissan-nismo-oem-headlamp-rhd-left-passenger-side-right-driver-side-26060-6ga0b26010-6ga0b.html
  13. Is this guy on any of the Facebook groups?
  14. Hi Jimmy, Sorry to hear about your problems. If it helps we have a good deal on our HFCs at the moment, but willing to help a brother out and make the discount even higher for you: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/exhausts/high-flow-cats/14950-350z-de-torqen-high-flow-cats-trq-vqde-hfc.html PM me if you need a brand new set. Adrian
  15. These are special edition Qashqai wheels @OversteerPhoto
  16. Only for products shown here: https://www.torqen.uk/638-sale
  17. Slave Cylinder - https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/powertrain/ancillaries/1673-350z-de-05-07-stoptech-premium-clutch-slave-cylinder-13842019.html Braided line - https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/powertrain/ancillaries/353-350z-de-technafit-stainless-steel-braided-clutch-line-nc310.html Fluid - https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/brakes/fluid/2072-350z-stoptech-racing-str-600-brake-fluid-500ml-bottle-50100001.html These should fix the issue
  18. Sounds like a slave cylinder. 350z? What year?
  19. "Every WTO member has a list of tariffs (taxes on imports of goods) and quotas (limits on the number of goods) that they apply to other countries. These are known as their WTO schedules. The average EU tariff is pretty low (about 2.6% for non-agricultural products) - but, in some sectors, tariffs can be quite high. Under WTO rules, cars and car parts, for example, would be taxed at 10% every time they crossed the UK-EU border. And agricultural tariffs are significantly higher, rising to an average of over 35% for dairy products. After Brexit, the UK could choose to lower tariffs or waive them altogether, in an attempt to stimulate free trade. That could mean some cheaper products coming into the country for consumers but it could also risk driving some UK producers out of business. It's important to remember that, under the WTO's "most favoured nation" rules, the UK couldn't lower tariffs for the EU, or any specific country, alone. It would have to treat every other WTO member around the world in the same way." Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45112872
  20. I can arrange that. Who's the organiser / representative from the forum? Please send me a PM.
  21. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/758556/22_November_Draft_Political_Declaration_setting_out_the_framework_for_the_future_relationship_between_the_EU_and_the_UK__agreed_at_negotiators__level_and_agreed_in_principle_at_political_level__subject_to_endorsement_by_Leaders.pdf
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