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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Of course, Will, I will upload all of them here, there are lots!!! Then you can tell me which ones you need.
  2. Some photos due from our little trip in Wales on 2013/09/20, more to come soon: Day 1:
  3. 6 bloody inches... and he would have survived
  4. Just watching it as well, I was youtubing Martin Donnelly's crash in 1990, thought it was a fatal crash, but amazingly he survived!
  5. You should do a proper BUILD THREAD when you fit that GT-R button, it's an extremely complex job, trust me! :lol:
  6. If you're trying to help you can always PM him your concerns about the asking price, otherwise you're negatively affecting his sale, known fact.
  7. Replies like these should be forbidden in the FOR SALE threads, what's the purpose? This is his asking price, if you're interested PM him and negotiate to your own desired price, if you're not interested, just ignore the thread.
  8. In that case revup cars should be fitted with Miles per Litre of Oil gauges...
  9. No yet, but thanks for asking, will give it 2-3 weeks, if it's not selling, I'll be considering listing it on ebay or sell it as separate parts.
  10. There will never be a better time than this, not many supercharged cars in the UK, so pre-owned system like DarrenB's are extremely rare, so far only 2 supercharges sold this year on here, mine and his You'll be saving yourself a fortune, specially if you kindly ask Darren to fit it for you
  11. Equation unknown... It's just a random guess Question is, did he have fumes?
  12. Is his still working, running without an oil cooler for so many miles?!?! :scare:
  13. Absolutely: - made some cuts in the ARBs - superglued the engine damper - tightened and superglued some nuts on the end links - let me think what else...
  14. Perfect, now Vlad can finally get a working supercharger!!! Vlaaaaaaaaaaaaad, are you reading this!?
  15. As we were working hard on Darren's 350z.... ... or at least some of us were.... ... and with some even doing some push-ups and squats to keep fit.... ... and others enjoying a tan by the torch and neon lights, while rubbing themselves with oil... car oil, that is!... ... the local strip girl showed us some cleavage ... But in the end we had pizza and fried chicken delivered in a flash white Laguar!!! What more would you want from life!? All in all, excellent effort guys, still can't believe we did so much in one single day! Will let Darren explain the whole lot, but what a great day that was! Unlike our super fast and reliable crew, the st00oopid local KwikFit team took 70 minutes to fit 4 tyres transplanted from Darren's wheels on my 370z this morning!!! At least they were open on a Sunday
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