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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. UpRev Tuner includes: 1 Interface Cable, 1 UpRev Re-Flash license, ROM Editor, Stock ROM, and Back to Stock ROM. UpRev Tuning Suite is a Windows-based software; you will need a Windows-based laptop or a tablet that runs a full version of Windows for flashing the Base Tune and for data logging. This kit comes with an ARC license on the cable. The UpRev ARC(Advanced Racing Controls) License will enable 2-Step(MT), Flatfoot Shifting(MT), Rolling Anti-lag(AT,MT) and Burn-out Mod(MT,AT). UpRev Tuner is intended for those who are experienced with tuning and want to tune their own vehicle, or for those that don’t have an UpRev Pro Tuner near them and have access to a professional Tuner. Parameters that are supported in the ROM Editor include: • Up to 5 Maps on cruise control equipped vehicles • Idle RPM • Speed Limiter • Electronic Throttle Control to achieve Wide Open Throttle at all speeds. • Rev Limiter • AFR Targets • Fuel Compensation • Ignition Timing Advance • Cam Phasing for equipped vehicles. • MAF transfer function • Cranking Enrichment and Ignition Advance • Injector Latency • K Fuel Multiplier • Intake Temp • Calculated Load vs. RPM • Minimum Effective Injector Pulse Width This works with 2003 and up 350Z, G35, 370Z, and G37. Shipping worldwide for free. £SOLD
  2. Nope, they are are way louder than HFC.
  3. I reckon Corbyn wants to become PM and then call for a 2nd referendum or revoke article 50. I suppose he's been advised no to mention anything about cancelling Brexit until he has his position secured. #TotalMess
  4. I'm a bit puzzled on the confidence vote happening today. Didn't the tories have a vote on TM back in 2016 when she became PM? Did they just realise that all her promises in the speeches outside No 10, Lancaster House etc were just lies and they want a new vote now? Having a "second vote" now will surely "undermine democracy", create more "division", why can't they "just get over it"?
  5. First post updated with the HPI inspection certificate, the car has now been reclassified from Condition Alert to Condition Inspected. Price lowered, too.
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-46535739
  7. Roadster and Coupe have the same exhausts, no difference.
  8. Can you even imagine how hard it is for me to keep my mouth shut on this?
  9. 75+15=100 What's wrong with that!?
  10. 1. Senior political correspondent for SkyNews 4. No. Not in here. Not on this topic.
  11. EU won't re-negotiate the deal, what sort of re-assurances can she get, promises? Everything has to be in the deal, black on white, from legal point. The Speaker is now forcing the government to start whatever procedures are necessarily to have a vote on postponing the vote. What if she loses the vote again? Meanwhile GBP/USD...
  12. What a disaster, watching it live on Sky News...
  13. Voting postponed... More cowardice from May.
  14. How about these? https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/370z/body-styling/gear-knobs/18891-370z-nismo-polished-billet-aluminum-shift-knob-c2865-1ea00.html
  15. When I'm saying reforming, I meant not allowing money being wasted like here: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/sep/18/nhs-records-system-10bn or restructuring HMRC so they deal with tax dodging, where there is a huge gap in collection: details here: https://fullfact.org/economy/tax-gap/ also see this: https://fullfact.org/economy/benefit-fraud-tax-inspectors-numbers/ or maybe spend less on defence and so on. Job cuts if necessary, but retrain people and create more jobs where they can move into. Invest more in infrastructure like railways, maritime transport, broadband etc and this will bring more money into the economy so you don't have to tax people unreasonably like they do on the fuel.
  16. Probably worth looking into what the tax is being spent on first. Surely reforming some areas could cover the shortfall in reducing the taxation on fuel... Source: https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2014/11/09/public-attitudes-tax-distribution Looking at the breakdown on the following sectors: Health, Welfare, Defence, Overseas aid, surely we can reorganise / restructure / reform / improve many of the areas to save a bit more. Source: https://www.ukpublicspending.co.uk/year_spending_2018UKbt_17bc1n_404450604546474849#ukgs302
  17. Added @V1H René's feature in September's Banzai. Scanning a few more articles as we speak, since I have a few hours spare today. Will update the first post ASAP.
  18. I was just looking into the situation in France, in case you're not aware see here: https://news.sky.com/story/live-more-than-100-arrested-on-day-of-mass-protests-in-france-11574773 In brief: "The grassroots movement began as resistance against a rise in taxes for diesel and gas, but quickly expanded to encompass frustration at stagnant incomes, the growing cost of living. President Macron agreed to abandon the fuel tax hike, but that hasn't defused the anger. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner urged calm: "I ask the yellow vests that want to bring about a peaceful message to not go with the violent people. We know that the violent people are only strong because they hide themselves within the yellow vests, which hampers the security forces." Parts of Paris looked like they were bracing for a hurricane, with boards on windows covering up the Christmas decorations. " I then looked in what happened in UK with the fuel prices over the last 10 years, in comparison with crude oil price. Crude oil price - 10 years chart Fuel price 10 years chart 2 Jan 2009 - crude $46.17 - petrol price was £0.86 27 Nov 2018 - crude $50.29 - petrol price £1.258 Fuel price breakdown in UK How can the government justify the £0.5795/L duty and VAT as well at 20% - £0.206? Not that I condone the violence in France, but makes us look like sheep here in UK paying whatever the pump says, without question it, doesn't it? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-46437904 Further details with the impact of the fuel price in UK here: https://www.fairfueluk.com/Budget2017/CEBR-FFUK-Fuel-Duty.html#page=4&zoom=z
  19. Not at all, let's throw a party!
  20. In a No Deal Brexit scenario, areas of concern include: Kent needing to cope with holding up to 10,000 HGVs on a routine basis Food supplies at risk as safety testing becomes more difficult Children missing important exams such as GCSEs and Sats because of traffic gridlock KCC staff possibly having to work from home for up to six months Carers unable to get to vulnerable adults because of traffic gridlock Schools seeing attendance levels drop Disruption to waste collection services leading to a build-up of rubbish Home to school transport for Special Education Needs (SEN) could be severely challenged Difficulties for the Coroners service transporting the deceased to post mortem or body storage facilities Pressure on trading standards as more checks could take a longer time An increase in the numbers of migrants arriving in Kent, including unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. https://www.kentonline.co.uk/kent/news/chaos-of-no-deal-brexit-revealed-in-council-report-194877/
  21. Guys, you're worrying too much! We have carols at No 10 Downing Street, it's all good, we're saved!
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