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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Well, then organising some fund-raising here on the forum and get for me, please!
  2. Have one for sale price me?? And be gentle im all out of vaseline PM sent. Have one for sale Octet, do you have a Big Gay Wing for sale? NO
  3. What, are you not coming over to deliver the Pizza and the ladies as usual?
  4. Mine is not alive anymore , but will soon update the list
  5. There There are many threads here in the Forced Induction section, it really depends what are you looking to achieve. It's your engine a DE or a HR? This is my build thread: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/66319-inevitable-going-the-fi-way-now-done-update-13052013/
  6. I'm only referring to Romanians. Other than that not my turf, haven't got a clue what's happening. But saying that, I used to work for a big company, own by Romanians, turning about £16 mil and dealing with social housing. Most of the people I've ever met when I was visiting the sites were English, a very few percentage was Asian or African.
  7. Proper bull @*!#, I'm surprised smart people buy this kind of stupid tabloid agenda. Not only surprised, but so disappointed, as a Romanian, you know, part of the 746 billion wave of Romanians and Bulgarians coming over to Britain in 2014. Have a read here: http://www.telegraph...-to-the-UK.html http://www.economist...omaniaisbooming or perhaps you could watch this, done in Romania by my good friend, Paul Kenyon: http://www.bbc.co.uk...ans_are_Coming/ Sick and tired of this scaremongering. Rant over.
  8. No problem I'll bring my Sledge hammer, Gripfill, zip ties, Bennet & beer Corrected that for you Bennett? :scare: :scare:
  9. Just found out some good news (more powaaaaaaaaaaah) and some bad news, it's a GTM stage 1.5 kit and not a Stage 1 as it was sold by the seller, so it needs some modifying and fabricating to be made to fit the UK RHD cars, the filter assembly it's in the steering rack area. http://www.gtmotorsports.com/product.php?productid=17780&cat=258&page=1 iFabricate, it's over to you mate!
  10. You'll forget about your old girl as soon as you supercharging the new one Resistance is futile, we both know it, petrol heads!
  11. Not running on fuel anymore, it's running on oil
  12. I'm going to supercharge that too, don't you worry Sir Papa, Lord of Smurfland!
  13. See how much I care about you, I bought a SC just to keep you trained about boosting cars
  14. Looks like the weekend of 28th/29th of December, but I depend on Mark doing the tuning and the CJM Fuel Return System to arrive on time, they didn't have one ready, it's at the anodiser now, ready next week.
  15. Some more parts on the way for you from Santa Octet , because you've been such a nice boy this year
  16. Just go to WLMG Mill Hill, they are a "performance centre" :| Hope you sort it out soon, Mr iFixIt
  17. 27 years later... Santa UPS arrived today with some great stuff Let the fun begin Powered by iRomania, iCharge and iBishop
  18. Not another YAAAAAAAARPIE in UK
  19. Boooooooooooring. Wait until we do mine next weekend
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