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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. If anyone decides to follow glrnet this year, please bring bumper repair kit with you. I think Keyser sells some.
  2. I have heard rumours of a diesel barge keeping up with Zeds in Wales later this year..... Sent from the golf club... What's up with this Wales thing, I keep hearing about it...
  3. Fans are spinning a treat matey....my knuckle can vouch for that Hmm, mine were doing the same thing, they looked like they were working, not seized, but they were slower that they should have been, you couldn't tell the difference just by looking at them. The minute I've changed them with brand new ones overheating was history
  4. Are the fans spinning at all? Maybe they're slow before they're dying, a well know problem on the 350z, causing overheating.
  5. No way, Jose!!! SMD, Ekona and coldel for mods!!!
  6. I went to gym and swimming pool this evening after that gammon steak at lunch. On the way back I had a C63 AMG for desert, I was in the Freelander. P.S. He was broken down on A41 :lol:
  7. OK, to conclude: This thread is dead boring. Waste of time.
  8. She doesn't want a ragtop and also wants an auto after driving the Jag, and would have to be an auto so I could drive it more than a few hundred yards too I have suggested a drive with Adrian but I got a pretty conclusive "#### off" Sent from the golf club... Wonder why? PMSL!!! AHAHHAHAHAHAH
  9. OOOOI!!! Can you stop posting in this thread, I can't keep up with the reading, been out enjoying the zed all day! :lol: Can I just catch up with the latest before you post again? Take it easy!
  10. I had to Google it, urban doesn't go with my posh English accent, innit blood?
  11. So let's chat here, what are you buying of me, Uncle K? 1000cc injectors, AAM fuel pump, etc
  12. No need for lips now as he purchased the Nismo kit from me
  13. Just to add on this, from my 3-4 years experience with the 350z, I don't think anything over 500bhp on that chasis will still be road drivable, so please don't waste your money, unless you're going for track only car
  14. To me, they should not be anywhere near a powerful car like the 370z, completely useless. They may be ok on VW Lupo or Polo, but hate them on the 370z.
  15. I've binned mine, they're useless, specially in the wet
  16. Mods, please jail both spammers, SMD and BBK, and clean their mess
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