Dear friends,
It was an enourmous privilege to work with such an amazing group of people during 2018, and we can't thank you all enough for making 2018 a record breaking year for us here at TORQEN! With your support and help, we managed to double our turnover compared with 2017!
2018 was also the year when we managed to make some of the most amazing brands in the industry accesible in UK via TORQEN: Fly1 Motorsports, Zakustech, ZOCIETY, EVO-R, BRAUM RACING, FERRADA, Mercury GT, Ohlins, Planted Technology, QuickSilver, Sikky, Street Aero, VERTEX, VIS RACING to name a few.
It was also the year we introduced even more TORQEN products in our portfolio: TORQEN 350z HR and 370z Concentric Slave Cylinders, 350z and 370z High Flow Cats, 350z DE test pipes, 370z short tails.
Remember the TORQOLATE? Introduced this year as well and now super popular, the chocolate bar that comes with every order we ship out from TORQEN as a mini-thank you.
Lastly, 2018 was the year when TORQEN became a Trade Mark.
With that being said we couldn't be more excited for what we have coming in 2019!
On behalf of everyone at TORQEN, wishing you all the best for 2019!
Happy New Year!