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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/als-ice-bucket-challenge-do-you-know-what-you-are-supporting/ http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/08/als-group-moves-to-trademark-ice-bucket-challenge-viral-sensation
  2. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201408236829111/
  3. Would never ever go back to manual after driving my 370z 7AT, it just doesn't make sense to do 24 manoeuvre while driving fast on bends, going in, coming out. Needs a bit of tweaking by a tuner when you do the UpRev and it's just perfect. By default, it was a bit sluggish in places. And, ask the guys who drove my car, it's was way faster than any manual 370z, even before twin turbo. My signature says it all
  4. Uncle Keyser... so snail-ish Slooooooooooooooooooow coach! ; Good skills, Haydn!
  5. Install Onyx - http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/11582/onyx and delete all Caches, including mail. Don't restart after each one, just restart it at the end, after last operation. PM me if you need further help.
  6. Colin, don't ever change, you'll always have my utmost respect.
  7. RT-Performance, don't waste time and money trying others, just had my front bumper rebuild, roof, mirrors and wings resprayed, check my build thread in my signature.
  8. http://en.nano-shine.su/ceramic_pro
  9. Pleasure, my son, you've been very good and there are a lot more things planned for you until Xmas! [Mod edit: let it go]
  10. :lol: Take a photo with all the joining section, will tell you what gaskets are required. Look here: http://specialtyz.com/shop/default/exhaust-gaskets.html
  11. Come on, not fair, NeilP, Bizz or Amy's... extremely tough one!
  12. Well done, Karrah! Just let her drive the 370z, it needs a proper respray anyway :lol:
  13. Something like this at least, but would be awesome with the PS tank included as well.
  14. Nope, there isn't, just several people tried to do one on US forums, no luck. Would be nice to do a combination of PS, Coolant and Windscreen washer tanks, all in one
  15. Relaaaaaax, just winding him up after the chat we had over the weekend :lol:
  16. Yes, they've started working on the rear bumper, what are you having done to it? Diffuser?
  17. By the way, if you have metal fabrication skills / facilities perhaps you could do a stainless steel PS tank for the 370z as well? Looks like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251485114347
  18. No problem, mate. Have you tried ebay breakers? Surely one forum member is willing to help borrowing his tank for a week or two.
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