“If Apple CEO Tim Cook is going to blame anyone for the fiasco, it’s probably senior engineer Kim Vorrath,†Carlson reports. “Vorrath is the chief bug-catcher at Apple. It’s her job to make sure all Apple products are bug-free before launch.â€
“Vorrath has a notorious temper,†Carlson reports. “According to Lessin, Vorrath was once so furious at her colleagues that she slammed the door to her office so hard its handle broke. Fellow Apple executive Scott Forstall had to use a bat to break her out of her office.â€
“The last time Vorrath was in hot water with her bosses was when Apple launched a very buggy Maps application back in 2012,†Carlson reports. “After that fiasco, Vorrath’s own boss, Forstall, left the company.â€