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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. If Apple would make cars, it would be like Tesla S. With a cash pile of $133 billion, wonder why they're not buying Tesla & Boeing
  2. Perfect car!!! If you lower it, change wheels, fit spacers, change springs, fit supercharger and supporting mods!
  3. If you buy outside the UK, VAT exemption in EU states, I import stuff from Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary etc No VAT.
  4. No, not jealous, seriously... Awesome stuff, happy birthday bud!
  5. Looks like I need to find another job... http://www.bbc.com/news/business-29516806 Won't be long until Samsung goes Nokia style...
  6. Strange thing is I never ever have any "incidents" while driving the 370z. It's always when I drive my wife's Polo. I remember sometime this summer, we were on the way to a reception in Belgrave Square in Central London. Left home, trying to join M1 at the J5. Drove normally, kept my lane, indicated in the roundabout with A41 etc as you do. Took the slip road trying to join M1. Here comes behind a BMW, flashing me, swearing and abusing, middle finger, the whole lot. Then stopped his car on M1 trying to stop me as well, try to come to my car furious to teach me a lesson. I just ignored the idiot and kept driving, joining the middle lane so I can overtake his stopped car. I so wish I wasn't driving so I can video him on my iPhone or I had a CCTV in my wife's car. My wife didn't stand a chance to react, she was petrified, so she didn't record anything. Lots of idiots out there... We all do mistake, but getting yourself in such a dangerous situation like this idiot above... words are useless...
  7. http://iphone.appleinsider.com/articles/14/10/04/samsung-galaxy-note-4-delivers-poor-graphics-performance-vs-apple-iphone-6-plus
  8. I could have taken care of the busty Tinder blonde while you were dealing with the crane...
  9. Here it is: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=785288571522590&set=vb.100001243638341&type=2&theater
  10. https://www.facebook.com/rvenkata18/media_set?set=vb.100001243638341&type=2 So which one is it?
  11. Most of us have Facebook, too... It has HOAX written all over. (Please don't call Putin to check if is true, I know he's your mate) http://www.hoax-slayer.com/putin-duma-speech-sharia-law.shtml
  12. Sorry, didn't mean to antagonise anybody... :lol: again!
  13. It belongs to my mate that has a castle in South France and his brother knows Schumacher... not that it matters, just sayin'
  14. Yep, I'd marry again just to celebrate the 10th like that again :lol:
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