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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Well, time is flying... just over 4 months, he's now 40kg and 72cm w already He's going to be 5 months on 28th, he's quite ahead of his normal size for his age
  2. :lol: Andy, you're worse than me!!!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shirth1OjRE
  4. He's stubborn, you know he's going to say go head, I want it
  5. Keep the money for diff and other upgrades, listen to uncle Adrian :lol: Still waiting from Stillen
  6. I expect over £300 for polished version, awaiting reply from Stillen, I'll update you guys soon. Adrian
  7. I got your kit here waiting for you Dom Let me know if you want to install the diff first so I can ship it to you. Adrian
  8. To add on what it was said above: "When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, Michael Dell famously trashed the company with a killer quote. When asked what he'd do with Apple if he were in Jobs' shoes, Dell said: What would I do? I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders." Today however: Lots of experts out there... Oh, and Apple's website is the industry standard about how a website/ online shop should look like: beautiful, yet simple and versatile, extremely easy to navigate and buy.
  9. PMSL!!! Dan, you made me laugh out loud, I'm in trouble because of you, woken up Mrs!
  10. Yes John, RL arriving tomorrow, brakes leaving Friday or early next week. Other supporting mods are already in the warehouse. Stillen and Berk are holding us back
  11. Josh, I won't let you waste money, come on, you don't need that!
  12. Guys, Stillen said they're expecting all the parts to be with them next week so they can build the kits... Slight delay, trying to push it a little bit faster, will keep you updated. Might be shipping everything else tomorrow and ship the Stillen kits and Berk pipes when they arrive in the warehouse. I'll update you shortly.
  13. Guys, we can get the alignment tool, we're good to go. Who wants to set up the group buy in the TORQEN area and explain what the kits are for, what's the saving etc? I'll buy a batch of kits and get them delivered here for you guys. As above, £139 delivered. I'll pay for the alignment tool and lend it to everyone for free. How does that sound? Adrian
  14. Hi, We can supply Technafit SS or Z1 SS lines. PM me if you want to order. Thanks, Adrian
  15. UpRev license can be purchased at the tuner. We can also supply the gauges like AFR wide band, Oil Temp etc. We can do the installation or we recommend Horsham Developments or Kaizer Motors. Of course is down to the buyer to decide where is safe to take his car. With the above kit you can easily reach 400bhp, but I think we're talking about 420-430bhp. Adrian
  16. Another interesting review: http://www.macworld.com/article/2894759/hands-on-why-trying-an-apple-watch-made-me-want-to-buy-one.html
  17. Like Tim said yesterday: "I’ve been wanting to do this since I was 5 years old, the day is finally here!", StarTrek stuff is here, you can speak to somebody by raising your hand
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