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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/apple-working-on-self-driving-car-report-says-2015-08-14
  2. When did you contact him last? When has he replied last? Have you asked for refund?
  3. Well, I bought these instead, 5800 miles on them, perfect nick, no need to refurb.
  4. $1500 - $2000 they go for, I wouldn't pay $500 on them to be honest, make the GT-R look cheap and not a GT car
  5. Hi, Got your PM, just did not get a chance to reply, reply on the way
  6. http://www.gtrlife.c...012-houston-tx http://www.gtrlife.c...-caps-and-lugs http://www.gtrlife.com/forums/topic/121122-black-edition-wheels-off-2013-with-runflats-bridgestone I could also buy these as well :lol:
  7. Alex, 3 sets available in USA, nobody is buying them
  8. Yours you mean lol Mine was already sold today.
  9. I'm thinking B, the more I look at them, the more I like them. Let's see what others are saying
  10. It's not happening, he'll come back to his senses this weekend, I can see a 370z purchase soon
  11. I'm considering buying some 2014 wheels (variant B ) for the incoming 2010 GT-R (comes with variant A wheels). Help me decide which wheels I should have on it A. B. C.
  12. Why are you doing this to me G? I need one in my life. NOW!
  13. Time to get a RaceLogic Traction Controller! I'll tell you what, come and get it for this weekend, test it and report here. If you don't like it return it, if you do you can pay me before the end of this month
  14. Nismo GTR 2015 for that budget, 0 miles, will be fine with 600bhp :/ I think... I know GTR forums, PH and AT inside out, actively looking for a GTR...
  15. http://my350z.com/forum/na-builds/477743-kevin-s-vq35de-na-build-epilogue.html
  16. It was about the time you're happy with it, mods now lock this thread! :lol:
  17. http://www.gtz-uae.c...e-throttle-body
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