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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. What Ian is trying to say here in very simple words: Warning!!! *** DON'T DO IT! *** or you'll end up using more oil than petrol
  2. Worth insulting us to cover your mistake? Facts don't add up, last chance to admit it!
  3. Don't drive it, top up with oil, start it and listen for any noises / rattles. Let's hope it's fine.
  4. +1 with Alex on this one, but let's hope we're wrong for now. Fuchs Titan Race Pro 5w30 it's a very good oil for the 350z. http://www.opieoils.co.uk/p-68896-fuchs-titan-race-pro-s-5w-30-ester-fully-synthetic-engine-oil.aspx
  5. I'm not an expert, but IMO it was the best match so far in the RWC2015.
  6. Or way better, cost it's always the problem in mass production. You just need to hold the OEM in one hand and an uprated filter in the other hand. Build quality is night and day.
  7. Stollen from a GTR forum: ======= The SAE gross power aka brake horse power (bhp) is measured with simulated load by adding belt-driven accessories etc.; however, it left a lot of wiggle room for interpretatkion (if you have time, have a read HERE). That measure is no longer used in America as of 1971-72. One of the newer measures is SAE net power (hp) which is measured at the engine's crankshaft with stock accessories so is a truer measure of engine power itself. Neither measure accounts for transmission loss. (Reference WIKIPEDIA). Theoretically, using same stock accessories, bhp=hp. Typically only manufacturers take the engine out to measure directly at the flywheel with an engine dyno. That shop is using a Maha chassis dyno to measure the whp by spinning the wheels. Sounds like they calculate upwards from whp to arrive at their estimated engine bhp of 392. The whp is almost always less than hp because of frictional losses between engine and wheels. Some European manufacturers prefer to quote using bhp (over SAE net power) to indicate a more conservative number by using accessories that make it simulate transmission loss as well; that is why some German cars may dyno a whp number at the wheels close to their engine bhp. However, regardless of bhp or hp, whp is whp on same dyno same day. If your GT-R is making 550 awhp, your flywheel hp would almost certainly be higher than 550 meaning your Audi may need more than 150 engine hp to arrive at 550 whp. Also keep in mind awhp isn't the same as rwhp, depending on the car and how it's measured. Some chassis dynos do measure four wheels (awhp) while others measure two wheels (rwhp) and the equivalent conversion from either awhp-to rwhp or vice versa is calculated (i.e it wasn't actually measured). As others have mentioned, a 550 whp measure for one car on different dyno and different day is not necessarily an apples to apples comparison. On top of that, even if you manage to get your Audi to measure 550 awhp on same dyno same day as your other car by adding say 180 awhp (550 awhp - say 370 awhp), the different cars deliver the power differently so 1/4 mile ET/MPH may still differ. In the end, track time is still the best overall measure for car performance. ========
  8. The STILLEN 370Z Front bumper offers a clean yet aggressive styling while utilizing factory mounting points so it fits and flows with the cars original lines. Besides looking good the Stillen Front bumper is fully functional with large open areas for Intercooler, oil and transmission coolers. Also an air diversion path was built into the buper to provide fresh air for the STILLEN Gen 3 Intakes or Stillen Supercharger. These are made from urethane, molded in Stillen's state of the art facilities in Costa Mesa, California. The result is excellent fitment and durability every time. To the best of our knowledge, there is only one other Stillen Front bumper in UK, also imported by TORQEN and fitted by RT Performance. The result is outstanding! Undoubtly one of the nicest, if not THE nicest 370z in UK. No need to wait weeks or months for your bumper, we have it here in UK, ready to be fitted any time! Comes with all fittings required, the grill mesh which is extra from Stillen and already stored at RT Performance in Wembley who have the experience to prepare, spray and fit it. £1095 £799 These are real photos from Jonnymonno / John's car. Notice it's been done by RT Performance all in 1 piece, rather than 3 pieces as it comes from Stillen, like in the last photo, which I think it looks much better.
  9. Who on Earth watches football again after watching a rugby match like the England vs Wales game yesterday? Off to Wembley for Romania vs Ireland
  10. We need to create some search engine / website for MrKnowsItAll.com aka Ekona! :lol:
  11. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/100491-torqen-350z-de-aem-dryflow-air-filter/ Best quality panel filter I've seen so far.
  12. What's wrong with the description!? "B new never used Inc orginalne packed hsd dualtech for Nissan z33 350z Nissan gt350 BMW e36. I sales this but sold me g35 last week make me good offert cost me this 577 pounds warranty 1 y including me invoince cash to collection"
  13. Whaaaaaat aaaaa maaaaatch!!! LOVE RUGBY!
  14. Nice to meet you buddy, glad I could help
  15. For anyone interested, I have Stillen 370z bumpers in stock
  16. TORQEN here to rescue... Join M1, come off from M1 at J5 on A41 southbound and drop me a PM. AEM filters in stock 15min drive to Bushey. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/100491-torqen-350z-de-aem-dryflow-air-filter/
  17. For now use this section: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/228-torqen/ The website it's being built as we speak We're doing the prices now.
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