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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. You can, but wouldn't recommend it on the driveway, specially for the rear one, needs the back part of the exhaust off and some bolts of the V brace off, a bit awkward and time consuming, so much easier on the ramp.
  2. Stop wasting time on Chat, keep writing the updates!
  3. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-QUEST-ALTIMA-MAXIMA-G35-MODULE-FUSE-BOX-FUSEBOX-284B7AL505-99-T30-39-/280877753914
  4. :snack: Don't worry Alex, is not you! :lol: Not long now, 1-2 days, I'm working on it
  5. Wait, what??! You haven't paid Sam @ GTM anything, have you?!?!
  6. I lost thousands of pounds because of a trader in here, soon to be disclosed. You're complaining for £280? :lol: Legal system doesn't work in this country, unless you're filthy rich and you want to waste your money. Try the amicable way or get the product and sell it. You might as well name the trader so he has a chance to reply, we will then know both sides of the story.
  7. Are you serious or just an Android user? iPhone 4 was introduced June 24, 2010. Hardware has evolved A LOT in over 5 years. So did the software. The software takes advantage of the hardware, if this is not capable, you can't use the software... See where I'm going with this?
  8. Because of this: Details here: http://www.apple.com/uk/ios/whats-new/
  9. Last 2 combo kits available at this price. In stock, ready to ship for next day delivery.
  10. New order going in this week, anyone else needs a BBK?
  11. Yes, that's the reason, as soon as the iPad was updated to iOS9, the sync has stopped, iOS9 uses a different way of storing and sharing the photos. Time to upgrade to iPhone 6 or 6s
  12. OFF and ON again, on both devices, hard reboot both devices afterwards. Hold HOME + POWER until it reboots. Also, make sure both run iOS 9 latest version.
  13. Make sure both PHOTOS option are ticked in the iCloud settings on both devices.
  14. Welcome to the forum Sarah! Alex is right, the best wheels for the 350z! Had them on my 350z too
  15. Plenty in stock for 350z and 370z, available for next day delivery.
  16. I don't think there are dyno tests done here with the plenum fitted and without any other adjustments. In one word, YES.
  17. Hopefully you were driving on the Autobahn, a private road or a track Of course Where is this road? I want to test the GTR, too
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