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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Hi Ryan, Best place to go in SE is H-Dev: http://www.h-dev.co.uk/index2.php?page=abouthd Give Jez a call to discuss.
  2. Oh, perfect, so you're going to collect the KW coilovers then? :lol:
  3. Happy birthday on your 49th Humpy! Changing prefix next year? Have a great one, Sir!
  4. Photo with engine bolts locations added in the first post, thanks Nic!
  5. You shouldn't loose much oil when changing the filter, about 200ml
  6. Yeeeeey, welcome to the club We should have a dedication section in here Congrats on your purchase!
  7. No time taking mine out today, servicing the X5 and also fix the transfer box, chain has become lose, so needs replacing.
  8. Ha ha, great. Give it few days, it will smell like a burning plastic for a while, then the sound will improve a bit more. OEM cats?
  9. Dan, you can hate me for this, but I'm going to be blunt, after all I'm Romanian, and Romanians are extremely direct Reading this last bit, made me think: Ekona is such an attention seeker, desperately looking for rounds of applauses and immensely patronising. "Well done folks" killed it for me!
  10. Hi guys, Need some help please! Any of you has a high resolution photo of the 350z DE engine bay, similar to the one below, but no mods at all? It needs to cover the whole area of the bay, including the bonnet hinges. Thanks a lot!
  11. http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/gossip-born-to-talk-sht/972434/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/our-gender-ourselves/201408/why-we-love-gossip
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