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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. South Mimms, we later moved to the Forum in Hatfield
  2. René, I'd start with softest settings first and adjust from there as required.
  3. Not that I remember of, but it's for sale again
  4. Imagine Stage 4... it's a BIG, BIG difference. But yes, what a car
  5. Just over £3k, there's no part ready at the moment, many been working on it, including us, we have the adaptor designed and 3D tested, but not sure we will go ahead further than a prototype model.
  6. Really bad skills Hodaka, we should ask SpursMadDave, his Photoshop skills are out of this world!
  7. Just replace the bush if that's the case, full arm is expensive.
  8. Hi Tony, They're not currently listed on the site, but I've asked my colleagues to list front and rear mud guards today. Drop me a PM if you want to order. Adrian
  9. Dave, I've just been told your white kit is due to arrive early March, not long now! Blue kits in stock, red kits on the way.
  10. Fresh stock update, 30 pcs arrived today with fluid and lines also available
  11. These are now available to buy online here: http://www.torqen.uk/274-enkei
  12. 3 x 350z sets in stock, more stock on the way, should arrive here on Wednesday.
  13. Quick stock update on Invidia products: 24 x 370z Invidia Gemini Rolled Titanium Tip Cat-back Exhaust 18 x 370z Invidia Gemini Rolled Stainless Steel Tip Cat-back Exhaust 17 x 370z Invidia Gemini Single Layer Titanium Tip Cat-back Exhaust 7 x 370z / 350z HR Invidia High Flow Cats 17 x 370z / 350z HR Invidia 60mm Test Pipes 21 x 350z Invidia Gemini Rolled Titanium Tip Cat-back Exhaust 17 x 350z Invidia Gemini Single Layer Titanium Tip Cat-back Exhaust 15 x 350z Invidia Gemini Rolled Stainless Steel Tip Cat-back Exhaust 2 x 350z DE Invidia 60mm High Flow Cats 11 x 350z DE Invidia 50mm Test pipes 0 x 350z DE Invidia 60mm Test pipes - 1 month delay - back order Available to order online via http://www.torqen.uk
  14. Haydn, ask Fraser if they can re-anodise the brakes, it would be a shame not to sort them out. If they can't (which I doubt) I'll see what I can do about it.
  15. Paul, should I add you on the list? If so, do you need the carbon trims or not? René, yours is already on the list, I knew you're going to need one I suppose you want the carbon trims with it, right? 1. V1H 2. 3.
  16. If carbon fiber inserts are not purchased, there will be a very shallow indent on each side of the manifold where the inserts are made to be placed. I suppose you can powder coat/paint/dip and color match the indented areas when opting out of the carbon fiber option.
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