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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. 1. ZZZebady 2. martybhoy - PAID 3. Hodaka - PAID 4. blaqkaudio 5. gumpy000 - PAID 6. Irn Bru 7. hairyman68 8. Wizza2000 - PAID 9. Alex350z 10.
  2. 1. ZZZebady 2. martybhoy - PAID 3. Hodaka - PAID 4. blaqkaudio 5. gumpy000 6. Irn Bru 7. hairyman68 8. Wizza2000 - PAID 9. 10.
  3. Gents, to speed things up a bit, I've created a forum discount for this product, please visit: http://www.torqen.uk/350z/engine/electronics/2803-350z-de-d1-spec-gt-throttle-controller-gt-drive-d1s-049.html use code "350TC" at checkout to get the discounted price of £99.00 Post here once the order was placed so we can update the list. Only 1 more left for now, but will order a new batch this evening, so 5-7 days to get here. Adrian
  4. Why wait couple of years? This time next year they will be peanuts! :lol:
  5. On the same note: http://www.engadget.com/2016/02/01/us-versus-europe-google-tax-row/
  6. Time to look for a GTR, again :lol:
  7. Of course: I'll PM you guys later on today with payment details. Adrian
  8. Hi Lloyd, If you need new: http://www.torqen.uk/370z/intakes/intakes-system/306-370z-kn-typhoon-air-intake-dual-kit-69-7078ts.html Adrian
  9. Looks good from the back I think. Why not a true dual?
  10. Details on that thread, very easy to fit, plug and play. Let's not spam this thread
  11. Hi mate, you still got this? Much you looking for and are they easy to fit? Check this thread: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/105269-torqen-350z-de-d1-spec-gt-throttle-controller/
  12. Look forward to receiving it in the next few days, will be quit useful during the long flights in Asia scheduled for the next few months! I think you can now download Amazon Prime movies which would be very handy
  13. Ben, what's a "torquen"? If you're referring to the TORQEN S or R coilovers, could you elaborate the testing methods used and the length of time for such testing to take place, that made you label our products as "@*!#"? Looking forward to a good long read of an in depth analysis/report. Thanks!
  14. Must be one of the Grammar students, is she?
  15. Can somebody shut that idiot off? Hate his "singing".
  16. Nice Nismo 370z gen 1 wheels Loved Alfa, had 3 x 156 v6 2.5, really fun to drive, light and fast (reliability though....) Doesn't look that bad, I think I like it.
  17. Few pics from a little run with some friends in London last night.
  18. https://speakout.38degrees.org.uk/campaigns/EU-investigate-Google
  19. LITCHFIELD GTR warranty is about £1100-£1200 from what I remember. Didn't bother, the car is fine.
  20. No, why? It's a very reliable car if you look after it
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