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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Of course there isn't, you use the OEM or after market one you have already in your car. On my 350z I've used it with the Nismo Titanium knob and loved the precision and the short travel. This one: http://www.torqen.uk/350z/body-styling/gear-knobs/455-350z-nismo-gt-titanium-shift-knob-32865-rn013.html
  2. No, you have the most expensive one, TWM, fussy bugger! http://www.torqen.uk/350z/powertrain/short-shifters/459-350z-twm-performance-short-throw-shifter-sk-ss-8588.html
  3. Guys, let me know if you need the Dragon intake with the red filter and I'll put something together for you. How many of you are interested?
  4. Hello mate, if you follow the instructions included and set it up properly it will work just fine, I remember doing mine on the 350z, took me 2 attempts to set it properly
  5. Motordyne group buy topic live here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/105628-torqen-motordyne-group-buy-what-do-you-need/ Let's keep this to ARK products please.
  6. Hi guys, Few of you have expressed interest for a MotorDyne group buy. Can you put your name down on this thread please and I'll try to organise a group buy depending on how many of you are interested. So far we have: 1. Deano94 - pulled out 2. delz0r - 350z HR ART test pipes - SHIPPED 3. GreenLandy - 350z DE plenum spacer - basic - ORDER DELIVERED 4. S7nny - 350z DE plenum spacer - basic - ORDER DELIVERED 5. SamU23 - 350z DE Basic Plenum Spacer - ORDER DELIVERED 6. Zippypooz - 350z TDX v2 Catback Exhaust System 7. Hon - moved to ARK Group Buy 8. veilside z - 5/16 Iso Thermal Plenum spacer - SHIPPED 9. mj86 - pulled out 10. ConnorW06 - 350z HR TDX2 Exhaust + ART Pipes - SHIPPED 11. Saint - 350z DE plenum space - basic - ORDER DELIVERED 12. Jonnymonno - 370z ART test pipes + 370z TDX v2 Catback Exhaust System - SHIPPED 13. cascade88 - 2 x ISO plenum spacer - SHIPPED PRICES 26/02/2016 350z Motordyne Shockwave TDX2 Catback Exhaust System - £1457.66 350z DE Motordyne Advanced Resonance Tuning - ART Test Pipes - £525.47 350z HR Motordyne Advanced Resonance Tuning - ART Test Pipes - £531.08 370z Motordyne Advanced Resonance Tuning - ART Test Pipes - £531.08 350z DE Motordyne Engineering 5/16" Basic Plenum Spacer - £167.36 370z Motordyne Shockwave E370 Cat-Back Exhaust System - £1532.46 350z Motordyne XYZ Exhaust Y-Pipe + HFC - £460.02 Deadline for this group as agreed by the members is: 29/02/2016.
  7. These are now back in stock, ready to ship. You can order online here: http://www.torqen.uk/350z/exhausts/high-flow-cats/29-350z-de-berk-technology-metallic-substrate-high-flow-cat-bt1401-hfc-met.html
  8. Save that for the playstaytion manual all the way That must be the reason you didn't get a GTR yet, Nic
  9. Keep it please, I'll buy it with the car when you're ready to sell it
  10. The link I've posted is for Auto, not manual I'll ask Nissan USA, maybe the USDM part is different from JDM part.
  11. Alex, this shows different part no: http://parts.johnleenissan.com/p/Nissan_2005_350Z-35L-V6-Automatic/CRANKSHAFT-POSITION-SENSOR-Crnkshft-sensor-Engine-Crankshaft-Position-Sensor/49552070/23731AL60C.html Says 5 AT as well.
  12. Very unlikely at that price, but I'll look into this for you. That's what you need, correct? http://www.torqen.uk/350z/exhausts/test-pipes/2525-350z-hr-motordyne-advanced-resonance-tuning-art-test-pipes-md-001.html
  13. Try here http://www.torqen.uk/173-flywheels?orderby=price&orderway=asc
  14. Yes, it will fit the LHD PM me your full address and I will look into the shipping cost. Adrian
  15. considering doing the GTR in candy apple red, ha ha!
  16. I think both auto and manual are the same, let me check. Have a look here for now: http://www.torqen.uk/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=23731&submit_search=
  17. I should add, that car has never seen anything over 70mph It will make a really good buy once it comes up for sale considering the mileage!
  18. Oh, look what I found http://www.weapon-r.com/products/2140-universal-dragon-filter-3-inch-gm-red
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