26 minute conversation later with Mariella Colette the President of Motordyne Engineering, my understanding is:
• the other two authorised traders in UK have complained about TORQEN selling Motordyne products cheaper (I have to apologise to the members of this forum for trying to help people in here by responding to the group buy request with a 15% discount)
• Motordyne doesn't want TORQEN to be an authorised trader for now as apparently there is a freeze on new dealers in place.
• Hydrazine is actually a Motordyne employee, most likely Mariella
• after kindly explaining Mariella that if they don't remove TORQEN name from the page posted above it leaves me no choice but to hire an attorney to deal with it locally, it looks like our name has been already removed - https://www.motordyn...pages.php?pID=1
• all orders placed trough TORQEN are warranted by TORQEN. You don't have to send your products to Motordyne in USA, you only have to contact us and we will sort it out.
• we will still sell Motordyne products as before and hope one day Motordyne will realise that we're actually market and sale their products, we help with the brand awareness by presenting their products on our website like no other company in Europe, with top quality photos and accurate description, therefore we generate more sales/revenue for them. TORQEN has a hard earned amazing reputation and will always be top advocate for amazing products like the Motordyne ones. We're extremely proud of what we have achieved so far and we will continue to serve our customers to the best of our abilities every day.
Now that's out the way, we're shipping the parts this week from USA, so happy customers next week