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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. It wasn't / is not easy, but I've managed and still managing, while I don't feel any pressure or that I lost my "freedom". I see many of you here complaining of the sleep deprivation when / if you become a parent. Since I was a teenager, I always slept 3-5 hours max a night. I hate the idea that I'm wasting my life sleeping, while I have so many things to do before I leave this life I feel like I'm 97 years old and I'm running out of time with a huge list of to do tasks. Sleep is not important at all to me, I'm used to this kind of schedule and I don't feel tired or sleep deprived. I'm an workaholic too, with the immigrant mentality where you have to catch up with the local chaps and succeed, no matter the cost So my brain is wired for WORK, WORK and more WORK
  2. Oh, no offence taken. I'm very hands on, as we speak my wife and AnneMarie (the older daughter) went to the National Gallery where our very good friend James Mayhew has an event from 11:00am I'm at home with the little one Amelie, she just had her milk, now sleeping in her room, while I'm downstairs in the office working She'll be up in about one hour, she's good as gold, plays on her own, only starts winging if she's hungry or sleepy. They will be back home close to 3pm, when I'll be getting ready to go out for a meeting in Central London at 5pm. Is that hands off?
  3. Some of you guys must have had a really bad life experience growing up. You talk about kids like they are some sort of diseases and like you've never been a child. It doesn't bother me, I'm just trying to put myself in your shoes and see / understand the world through your eyes, but it's obviously impossible. It somehow reminds me of Steve Jobs, one of the very few people I "worship". It's a very complex a delicate subject...
  4. I've seen muuuuuuch worse, see here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/73768-553bhp-465-lbft-370z-full-amuse-with-greddy-twin-turbo/page__st__440#entry1164543
  5. Must be Roadster thing? Not on my 370z, perfect fitment with ARK R pipes.
  6. I don't think the insurance will cover OEM glass, it's about £600-£700 probably.
  7. I'm not that rich, I wouldn't dare! yet! Mrs is my first girlfriend, I'm her first boyfriend, we've been together since we were 17. We grew up together and bonded as a couple as we went through a lot of personal matters, some of you here know what I'm talking about, it wasn't easy. We must be the odd ones out, but to us kids have been probably the strongest sealant that in this relationship. There is no way in the world I would see myself where I am today without her and the kids. Unrelated to the above quotes, more like a general reply: Again, I know it's a sensible subject and I should probably stay out of it, but I can assure you I'm not being arrogant, pedantic or patronising at all in what I'm going to say. It's just my personal experience. Even to me it's hard to explain what you actually feel when you hold your kid for the 1st time as it just popped out or when you come home and it doesn't matter how stressful your day was they just brighten you up by hugging you, pulling silly faces, telling you about their latest achievements in school or extracurricular activities, when you see them becoming better than yourself as they grow up and mature and so on, therefore I can really comprehend how can anyone that chooses not to have children express an opinion about parenthood? Not judging either, each individual is FREE to chose what he does with his life. It's only a rhetorical question As an example, I love classical music, been listening to it since I was a teenager, I have lots of world renowned musician friends, conductors, violinists, sopranos, pianists etc, but that doesn't make me a musician. I will never be able to understand what a composer or violinist FEELS Looking forward to the days when I'm going to be old, having both of our daughters coming round to visit us with their kids, too My grand is 92, I speak with him every week as he's still back in Romania. There's nothing else in the world that makes him happier than when we call him or when we go to visit him, it's always a surprise visit, as we know he loves that.
  8. Got two daughters, one is 9 in May, the other 5 1/2 months. Only managed to visit just over 30 countries (7 last year, only 2 this year, but 3 more booked) since I've been a father, started 2 businesses, modded a few BMWs, 350z, 370z and a GTR, been to hundreds of concerts, operas, events, go out most weekends, but also during the week sometime. I'm enjoying every second of it and wouldn't even imagine my life without my family as it is now, the four of us Not being arrogant or patronising, just wanted to show the flipped side of the coin, there's still life after having kids, a lot of it!
  9. Plenty in stock, forum discount available on these, PM me for voucher code before you place the order.
  10. 2 on order for: 1. V1H - René 2. baakseeda - Paul Slight delay @ AAM, should be ready for early May, see below: Good morning Adrian, We are getting close to receiving our very first production units for performance testing! The manufacturer had requested some small adjustments for the mold, in order to make the casting process more efficient. We made some minor tweaks and they are currently hard at work creating manifolds. Although we were hoping to complete all testing in early March, the manufacturer required some additional time to implement the mold revisions and ensure top-notch quality. We still aim to have our first finalized manifolds and begin testing by the end of this month, so that we may place a full batch into production shortly after. Anyone else wants to take the advantage of the discounted price, please PM me.
  11. Anyone else wants to be part of this group buy?
  12. There's always next time PM me and will see what we can sort out
  13. It's already en route, we've ordered a batch to have stock here
  14. First post updated, huge discount offered on this kit until the end of April, over £600!
  15. One year later on the coilover kits, too! As on the brakes, we've sold so many kits, with only positive remarks received! To celebrate one year from launch date, we're offering 10% discount on all TORQEN S coilover kits for 370z and 350z. PM me for the voucher code. Available to forum members only!
  16. Only a few in stock from both 350z and 370z. We will order a new batch but will take a while to be manufactured and delivered to us.
  17. One year later, we've sold so many kits, only positive remarks received, very proud of these kits! To celebrate one year from launch date, we're offering 10% discount on all TORQEN BBK kits for 370z and 350z. PM me for the voucher code. Available to forum members only!
  18. Various colours in stock, we're working on plenum spacer sets as well, they're in production.
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