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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Save £13.41 when buying both, on sale now: http://www.torqen.uk/370z/body-styling/interior/3885-370z-nismo-oem-start-button-assembly-pack-25151-jf00a48474-6ga0d.html
  2. Now on sale: http://www.torqen.uk/350z/body-styling/exterior/1663-350z-torqen-undertrays-trq-ut350.html
  3. Details, sizes and prices here: http://www.torqen.uk/392-gtx01
  4. Happened to me as well, only after 700 miles on the tyres, so virtually new. They asked for £12 to fix it, paid £30 as it took them nearly 45 minute, wheel off, remove screw, remove tyre, fix the puncture properly, tyre back, re-balance, re-fit wheel. They're also a bunch of really nice guys, Croxley Tyres in Croxley They used plastic covers for their clamping machine so no marks on the rims.
  5. You can also have a look here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/108579-torqen-350z-370z-servicing-parts-in-stock/ Clutch fluid, slave cylinders and braided hoses all in stock.
  6. The LSE’s Nicholas Barr explains why he will be voting to Remain in the EU referendum – citing a wide range of arguments about sovereignty, migration, international influence, regulation, democracy, trade and the single market to make his case. He concludes the economic and foreign policy costs of leaving are large, and the gains in sovereignty in today’s connected world are limited. http://blogs.lse.ac....the-referendum/
  7. Hi Luke, Welcome to the forum and good luck finding the best zed for you! Post some pics when you bring her home!
  8. After watching the last episode of original Top Gear (I think), the one in Patagonia, which was absolutely epic and also watching the first episode of the new TG, I've lost interest... Won't be watching this anymore...
  9. Have a look at the description of our spacers here: http://www.torqen.uk/350z/wheels-accessories/spacers/1813-350z-torqen-s-wheel-spacers-25mm-trq-s-spc25.html Some more tech specs and the development process here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/99707-torqen-torqen-s-wheel-spacers-in-stock/
  10. Anything we buy from USA will be a lot more expensive after Brexit, including car parts, no doubt. Investors will shift attention on different currencies, GBP will probably fall to 1:1 with the USD, at least for a long while, there will be a lot of speculation if Britain leaves EU. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/dollar-falls-as-investors-seek-safety-in-yen-over-brexit-polls-2016-06-01
  11. The oldest currency pairing in the world GBP vs USD took another hit yesterday, after polls show support for leaving EU, just as I was happy to see it recovering, thus having a positive impact on the prices. Not good... More details here: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/dollar-falls-as-investors-seek-safety-in-yen-over-brexit-polls-2016-06-01
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Cut all your credit cards, close your PayPal accounts and move all your money into saving account in case you develop zeditis (uncontrollable urge to spend money on zed parts)!
  13. Welcome along, buddy! Good luck hunting for the right zed
  14. My wife works for inVentiv Health, shares the same opinion, working with companies like the one you work for for the last 9 years. Regulatory affairs?
  15. Have a look at these recent threads: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/108849-what-exhaust-to-get http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/108748-new-exhaust-system-needed-what-to-buy http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/107891-nismo-mk2-exhaust-options/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/108484-wanted-quiet-exhaust-with-a-dual-look/ Just do a search for exhausts, so many discussions on this topic For some more inspiration check our online shop here: http://www.torqen.uk/83-exhaust-systems Invidia, Ark, Motordyne, Tanabe, Injen, Stillen are the most popular exhaust brands we sell.
  16. The Motordyne goes with the Amuse exhaust, if you need a separate one you can order online on our shop
  17. For the conspiracy theory lovers out there watch this, it will make your day! So much rubbish...
  18. For guys that have missed the programme, will be on iPlayer later, located here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07dpt29
  19. Switch to BBC2, interesting info regarding the car industry, EU etc
  20. Congrats, Andy, cracking efforts made to put the car back on the road! Take it easy now, well, at least for the first 5-10 miles
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