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Everything posted by leonk

  1. Interesting thought Coldel thanks.
  2. Last gig Peter Green Last album John Lee Hooker, Blues is The Healer
  3. What you need is some Michelin Pilot Sports on the front and Dunlop Sp Sport Max on the rear. Definitely the best set up!! Very expensive but I know where there might be some going cheap!!! (see my post in Tyres )
  4. Thanks, If only the Michelins had 6.5mm and the Dunlops 4.5mm Instant decision made! if I went Michelins, what does any one think i would get for the Dunlops??
  5. Some advice required. I have finally got some 19" wheels but they have Dunlop Sp Sport Max on the rears and Michelin pilot Sport on the front. I definitely don't want mixed tyres so do I go Dunlop or Michellin? To add to the dilema: Dunlop Sp Sport Max 6.5mm tread 275. 35. 19 Michelin Pilot Sport 4.5mm tread 245. 35. 19 How much would I get for the Michelins if I sold them. Do I sell all the tyres and start again? I know there are lots of reviews etc and previous posts, but couldn't find anything to cover this specifically. As always all/any help or advice much appreciated.
  6. leonk

    New car

    Wiith reference to finance markers and insurance write offs on REGISTRATIONS, a full proper Hpi check will show details against chassis or vin number for cross reference. This way you can be sure. Irrespective of this as earlier posts have warned this does seem to be a bit of a story car, so beware!
  7. I'm pretty sure the front wing has to come off to replace the door. All the internals etc will need stripping out too. Major job.
  8. You then go on to say you want to replace the door...... Isn't this a bit drastic??
  9. leonk

    40K for this

    Wouldn't be the first time that Ferrari have come up with somewhat questionable (although ingenious) solutions to various rules and legislation!
  10. But they do have a soft spot for Fireman Sam and Barbie dolls!!!
  11. Ref E types.... Maybe not liking the later three series but the series one (as previous picture)........it's just beautiful!!
  12. Is that a club sticker in the back window????
  13. Captain said But surely this hindered a missing persons investigation when you would think it was that person deleting the messages????
  14. Well done Husky! answers my post in the other section.
  15. 419 baiting is great. What I'm trying to say is how do you let the poor sod whose details have been stolen know?? If reading those e mails, it was my reg, I would be well and truly pi**ed off! Am I taking this all too seriously????
  16. All light hearted stuff but the worrying thing is that the registration and chassis numbers he gave you are some other poor souls, perhaps even on this forum. I would forward the details to the police.
  17. Put it in a condom and swallow it........... Only kidding , couldn't resist. If it's any help I dropped the van keys (transponder blip type) in a bucket of water and they worked fine after.
  18. Great to see you have put my lights to good use!!!!
  19. Just out of curiosity, it would be interesting to know what the insurance companies consider to be the highest risk proffession possible and the lowest purely from a car insurance point of view. Vicar or a nun would probably be in the low risk bracket??
  20. The more I look at the 370's the more I want one!
  21. I was watching it too. Like any auction, it's down to the luck of the day. Winning bidder could have been prepared to go to 20k. All depends on who you are bidding against. All the same, won't be too long before the 370's are coming in under the 20k on a more regular basis. When they do, I might just be tempted to upgrade.
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