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Everything posted by leonk

  1. October 2010 listed, by the time it will haved been disposed by ins company, would take you into 2011. My guess is that this guy bought it damaged. look at "view item" when looking at feedback. Service book is amongst stuff he bought. So car is listed and dubious service history. Don't touch it. Have a look at "Zeds for Sale" on here. as said before, pay a little bit more and you get a genuine one.
  2. Are you sure this is not a case of a bedroom game gone wrong??
  3. With the brake lights coming on and off, do you think he was trying to see if it still drove??
  4. Have a look at sellers recent feedback, recently bought s/h handbook and service history. very dubious! further down other bits for 350. Run a mile! Prices are in freefall, pay a bit more and you will get a genuine un recorded example.
  5. Flyboy Have a look at item no. 170620582932 on E bay £3.95, think its what you want?????
  6. Yellow 370z YE 59 *** at 7.15 this morning. The more I see these the more I like them!
  7. Andlid said Or just put in a planning application for a hostel for single mothers, drug addicts, homeless teenagers and people on parole. They will be begging you to build a lovely double garage instead!
  8. Ebized said On one job we had a women nice as pie to our faces, asking how it was coming along and saying it was looking good only to find out she had written twenty seven letters of complaint!!! The wonderful thing now is that you can view all their letters online if it is a planning application. To be honest, from my experience letters of complaint from neighbours carry very little weight with planners so don't worry. Just keep up a dialogue with Planning, they are normally quite helpful. They need all the fees they can get these days!
  9. Now that does look nice!
  10. Looks like E bay Item number: 320671482123
  11. Just a suggestion, try searching E Bay for "Nissan jack", I'm sure other similar year models have the same jack.
  12. I bought the stuff for my house from Cricklewood Electronics . www.cctvcentre.co.uk 1TB, 16 channel, i phone. android, windows mobile & symbian s60 3rd and 5th, compatible with 12 cameras for £1,300 Excellent service and advice and they do smaller cheaper systems.
  13. If you can add a cappuccino facility I will take one.
  14. leonk

    Car Porn

    Try http://www.aspiracars.co.uk/aspira_website_1_002.htm I think
  15. leonk

    Japfest 2 pics.

    VERY impressive Mr Marzman. What's the cloud of dust at 11.02? Someone going off?
  16. leonk

    Japfest 2 pics.

    Great pictures! Thanks
  17. Will have these. Sending PM
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