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Everything posted by leonk

  1. Have watched various copies of this with the volume up high and Big Man clearly asks the ticket inspector "do you want me to throw him off?" while pointing at the lad and the ticket inspector replies "yes". At the doors of the train other individuals step in to prevent the youth re entering the train. will be very interesting to see what the courts decide.
  2. Re the M.O.T, I notice they put ALL the info on one sheet ( new certificate ) now including what it failed on AND the advisories. I commented to the M.O.T guy that this was a good idea and he replied " not if you're a car dealer " They can't say " oh yeh it sailed through the test"
  3. leonk


    Back in June viewtopic.php?f=60&t=50842&hilit=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oponeo.co.uk
  4. Possibly being off their heads on crack might have impaired their decision making abilities?
  5. Would go nicely with that impressionist art masterpiece that you acquired recently Col. Have Sothebys valued it yet for insurance purposes?
  6. Didn't Greddy-Mat post in the wanted section recently for one of these?
  7. Very sad reading indeed. One of them only a couple of hundred yards from our house. Best mate of a lad that works for me.
  8. rtbiscuit said +1 E bay I presume
  9. Really sorry to hear about this. Rabbitstew said I keep trying to drum this into my son's head about his bike, he just seems to think I'm paranoid
  10. Been following from the beginning. Brilliant thread and keep up the good work. If I'm down your way, would love to call in and have a look.
  11. CrumbMC said.. Before the parting shot was a couple of Hoodies looking into the camera and running off with it!! Nice video.
  12. 2 new threads started at the same time .... Name a puppy 40 replies Name a Keyser's beast 4 replies You're just not cute and cuddly enough Keyser!!!
  13. Congratulations and all the best
  14. keeping the NOS theme, what about NOSferatu? Means "symphony of terror" or the vampire
  15. Just search..... "prestige styling"
  16. Definitely not my hand writing mate! Didn't even realise it was your car til I saw the reg.
  17. Welcome from another oldie AND ex caterham owner.
  18. leonk

    Om nomnom

    Very nice, and for the same price I paid for the 350. Only difference is the 240 would be going up in value rather than dropping £500 a month!!
  19. Did you watch the documentary "SuperSize Me" They showed that this sort of McDonalds intake was actually detrimental to your health
  20. Welcome £7k would seem to get you a lot of car for your money at the moment. Good luck with your search. This forum has been invaluable to me and got the chance to meet up with some fellow enthusiasts. ( And introduced to all that is Krispy Kreme )
  21. Not so long ago while in a queue of traffic in the van, a cyclist coming through the middle of two lanes of tightly packed vehicles ,actually grabbed hold of the passenger mirror and bent it backwards just to get past I couldn't believe it! Why do they think they are allowed to do this?
  22. Ricey said.. Lad that works for me has just bought a BMW M3 convertible on an 04 with 60,000 miles FBMWSH for £7,500. Seen the car and it's a lot of car for the money.
  23. I'm sure your'e not but make sure you are not looking at the main incomer which will be rated at 63A rather than the individual MCB which is protecting the shower circuit. That should be 40A Awaiting picture.
  24. Beavis said.. and get some rubber grommets for where the cable comes through the metal box
  25. Always read the OP properly! Now realise you want the REAR Thank heavens you didn't go off my measurements. For anyone who is interested the FRONT is 32mm
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