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Everything posted by leonk

  1. E bay, there's loads of them but no need to mention it in the ad
  2. The biggest drain is housing benefit. We do a lot of work for landlords and it astonishes me just how much rent is received in relation to the actual market rental value. We the tax payer are being shafted! Now if you were one of these landlords you probably wouldn't want to see any sort of capping. £6.08 x 48 x 52 = £15,175.58 even taking int account child benefit of £1,092, gives a total of £16,500 Where the F do they get £26 grand from
  3. Recent post from someone buying one already converted and I'm sure R35 Lee warns against it. viewtopic.php?f=9&t=57619
  4. leonk

    Nissan Idol entry

    Voted for you mate , will pm my PayPal details
  5. Post followed by 33 seconds after original post
  6. Last night some thieving/pi**ed up/scrote/pikey/scum/next doors cat, did this to my car.......... How can I take revenge and what home defence measures can I take incase it turns into an all out blood feud?
  7. It's aUK car, The V5 reg doc doesn't say "GT" how do I know it is a GT? What's the difference between a GT and a non GT? Should I hold out for a GT even though I've seen a 2,000 mile, FSH, non GT? How much oil should I be using? ( I do tend to thrash the bo**ocks off it ) Should I be using equal amounts of oil and petrol? (see above)
  8. Irrespective of what any one might think about the car itself, the background would put me off. Cars up on jack and bonnet up. All smacks of Arthur Daley. This is only a personal opinion, but don't think the seller does himself any favours with all that in the background.
  9. Managed to get the cheapest Zed ever, off E bay, cash and met him at a service station. So question is, he only gave me one screw driver to start it with. how many should i have, how do you code them and is there a valet screwdriver? Oh and is paperwork and service history of an importance?
  10. Linked to Spurs Mad Dave's I've bought a Zed to repair with MINOR panel damage. Any one got.... Air Bags, Bonnet, Suspension, Sump, Block, Lights, Tailgate, 2 doors, 4 wheels and an ashtray going cheap or better still free and willing to deliver cos I'm skint. Oh and all parts must be mint or still in Nissan wrappers please dont post
  11. " Can I inherit from someone I've murdered? "
  12. As Jay said.. Bought and sold, Traders and private individuals. I suppose it all comes down to trust. You can get a good idea from how long they have been a member and looking at their posts etc. From my experience, if you want to get scammed for second hand car bits, E bay is your first port of call!!
  13. As Jay said.. Bought and sold, Traders and private individuals. I suppose it all comes down to trust. You can get a good idea from how long they have been a member and looking at their posts etc. From my experience, if you want to get scammed for second hand car bits, E bay is your first port of call!!
  14. Chris'I said While working in Russia a few years back I was cheerfully informed that 15% of prescription drugs were counterfeit!! Fake Medicine
  15. +1 Don't give a Dealer Service Department a blank cheque. They will think it's Christmas all over again!
  16. Looks We have a T4 and a T5 as works vans, brilliant vehicles!! I use the T4 as my 'shed' and love it. In fact thinking about it, it's been to more Krispy Kreme meets than the Zed
  17. Re the engine side of things, have a look at.. http://www.britishamericanengines.co.uk ... efault.asp
  18. Looking Good! +1 Happy New Year and keep it up
  19. Go on the dealer's website, ( LOL )as Captain said, you would hope he could spell the name of his company correctly. More worrying is when you do inevitably have a problem, you can at least go back to the dealer at " apartment 16 Birmingham " when he turns his mobile off!
  20. Pretty sure the two bolts you mention are something to do with the window mechanism* and don't need to be un done. It all comes off as one with the motor. However if i remember rightly you have to seperate the drop glass first by unbolting it from the mechanism. Access can be gained to the bolt(s) by removing the round black sticky hole covers. Hope this is of some help. * they adjust the angle of the window runner I think.
  21. From the ad.... "four wheel drive light on, reduced to sell"
  22. Can't you use a "G" clamp to attach either the magnetic base or to attach a piece of flat steel that the magnetic base will then fix to?
  23. Welcome Have a look at this on Gear Knob Refurb... viewtopic.php?f=53&t=52419&hilit=+gear+knob+makeover
  24. Perhaps he didn't have a valid ticket?
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