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Everything posted by leonk

  1. Got a marked one you can have for cost of postage. Bought a new one from Alex because I scratched the silver cover but the plastic back bit is fine. You might be able to make one good one out of yours and mine.
  2. Anything from the Wacky Races......
  3. Ever vigilant Col. There was a guy posted recently wanting a load of parts for a damaged one he had bought. You need to set up some sort of E bay finders fee system. If you only charged £1 per item you could give up the day job.
  4. Ferris Bueller's California Spyder
  5. Absolutely gutted for you mate. Mines an Azure too so I can tell you the paint code is B17 but unfortunately as stated above does look like a paintshop job.
  6. Brilliant! Especially ...."take for example the oil warning light, if you have a problem it will start to glow getting brighter and brighter if you choose to carry on you will then hear an audible warning noise (a bit like a loud banging noise) you are now in limp home mode as they call it now, if your stupid enough to continue driving it will automatically shut down and bring the car to a halt, how clever is that?"
  7. Dave, have you actually watched the video? The guy is supposed to be a professional animator and illustrator! If that's the case, my 9 year old nephew should be exhibiting at the Tate.
  8. Freebird said, That's a shame. I built a Caterham Seven nearly twenty years ago and felt that the quality and assembly was very good. Every time (and it was a lot) I phoned Caterham they were always very helpful. It is the only car I have ever owned and regretted selling. If I were to build something again it would be a Dax Cobra.
  9. Asked the wife if I can build one in the attic.
  10. All credit to BulletMagnet and other daily users, mine's SORN and tucked up in the garage
  11. There's a "violent crime" marker for Sept2011 right over over our house when you zoom in on the stats map
  12. As Alex says, Plus the only way they are attached to the bumper itself is by clips on the squirter body that locates them in the hole in the bumper. So effectively you could make the correct size holes in the in a non uk bumper and retro fit the washers. Pipework etc would also be required.
  13. Welcome and Laba Diena. Nice looking Zed. Welcome to the forum, they are a great bunch and very helpful. Just ignore their attempts at humour, it does not translate and they mean no harm. ( I know this from experience having worked in Eastern Europe )
  14. Seen this before Alex on a Cobra forum. Epic. Testament to the strength of the single roll hoop that stood up to it.
  15. Rabbitstew said That's how it should still be in theory. However certainly where I am there is a shortage of 4 plus bedroom housing available for those claiming benefits. I know of one landlord who is receiving in excess if £2000per month each for 4 bed properties that would normally fetch only half that per month to private rental. Families with 5 plus children are classed as special needs and therefore the local housing authority will pay over the market value just to house them .Where else are they going to put them? Licence to print money if you've got a four bed house to rent out.
  16. As I understand at the moment yes. So the £26,000 would include all or individual benefits including a provision for child benefit. Opposition to this want Child Benefit taken out of the equation and to be in addition to the £26,000 cap effectively giving a new £50,000 cap. "Work and Pension Secretary Iain Duncan Smith says including child benefit would effectively raise the cap to £50,000 a year,".
  17. Regarding Child Benefit.... "But the government argues that the cap merely brings families on benefit into line with working households - it amounts to £500-a-week" BBC news 2 hours ago This is totally different to carers allowance or disability allowances for families with children with extra needs.
  18. I see that one of the reasons given for this bill being knocked back was that a cap on child benefit of £500 per week was not taken into account. £500 per week!!!!??? Given that you get £20.30 for your first child and £13.40 for each additional child by my reckoning you would have to have 36 THIRTY SIX kids to hit this. What is going on?????
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