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Everything posted by leonk

  1. I'm sure somewhere I saw a kit that you could fit with a two position switch, Pos.1 airbag on, Pos. 2 re routes current through a 2.5 ohm resistor so the airbag didn't deploy but the system thinks it's still there so no airbag warning light issues. I know Keyser has gone halfway there in his thread.
  2. From Z1 site if that sheds any light... http://z1auto.com/prodmore.asp?model=350z&cat=handling&prodid=2778
  3. If this was the case surely it wouldn't crank over ( the post seems to suggest it is turning over ) ?
  4. Plus drivers seat airbag from your photos, so prob why they wrote it off.
  5. It's a serious concern mate! Hope you have done all the necessary risk assessments and criminal record checks before sending the poor s*d into the unknown!
  6. +1 Thought the poor thing had ended up on some dodgy pay to view fettish site!
  7. I'm sure there was a lad who had bought a damaged car in this colour looking for one recently. Found it........ edjstone
  8. I'd be more worried about avoiding this place:http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Herpès,+Courbillac,+France&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x48009060ce44b33f:0xa05d394ebcb6400,Herpès,+Courbillac,+France&gl=uk&ei=TGtmT_unF8a80QWGydmICA&sa=X&oi=
  9. All the best for tomorrow Keyser. It has been an inspirational thread so far. Even used your pictures for my attempt at replacing the compression arm bush. Cheers
  10. If it's any use to North West folks, I have a VS8701 OBD11. as I just noticed there is no one listed for NW . Location Macclesfield.
  11. Very nice! As you might have guessed from previous post I have always liked these. Looking at the centre console, external boot hinges and replica spinners I would say it's a Dax or AK? Detailing job looks fantastic
  12. Looking good Nice to see panels being replaced rather than huge amounts of filler. Will you waxoyl all the cavities when its finished?
  13. £1.69 INCLUDING postage, not the end of the world if it doesn't even turn up.
  14. ...but it's my favourite car ever, so f*** off...! You tell him!!
  15. I was more interested in the "sexy" thigh length high heel boots that show up in their feedback! As for the add, as Ekona said, it must be a text book example of how to attract idiots.
  16. Has it had a bump and someone replaced it with the wrong spec headlight?
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