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Everything posted by leonk

  1. Plus car impounded, release fee for now trashed car and a fine
  2. leonk


    Very nice, but I think it's about 30k more than he wanted to spend.
  3. Is the remainder of the manufacturers warranty transferable on this Keyser?
  4. I don't think it's the offset the op wants to alter but the actual spacing of the holes for the wheel studs. presume this means welding up the original holes and then re drilling. As Col said, not sure I would want these on my car.
  5. Would that be your £1.69 one from china?
  6. Big queues at 3 garages in and around Macclesfield Cheshire about 7.30 tonight. Tesco had about 20 cars queueing up the slip road.
  7. My 19 year old has a better plan, I just insure him on mine and let him use it while I pick up all the bills.
  8. £2,275 to buy it, 2k to repair it. Will owe you a minimum of £4,300 and be worth £4k if you're lucky. Get the payout and buy yourself a straight one.
  9. Toolstation item 53092 £8.14??? recorded postage won't be far off that.
  10. Col you are a little naive, you haven't sussed yet that the agents need to be slipped a little "admin" fee so that you've got their priority attention.
  11. Ha ha, im only 28... but anything with an engine interests me
  12. The only comment I have Chris is that you need to get out a bit more..... Lawnmower advice, how old are you?
  13. Thought these were all 2.5L, ad says it's a 2.0L????
  14. You've put a remould, Accelera, one Korean part worn and an E bay special with 6 repairs on the Porsche????
  15. Bargain! just don't let Ekona see them Having said that , anything's better than your winter rims
  16. " A Zed is Reborn " There's definitely a Discovery channel series in the making here. Keep up the good posts,
  17. My moto is that I wouldn't post anything on here that I wouldn't say to their face, the inland revenue, or would not be happy to rely on as evidence.
  18. Not sure if I agree with anonymous posts. Any way what's wrong with the good old fashioned "a friend of a friend..........." ?
  19. Presumably waited til your dad had gone out. Definitely agree with you on the perimeter alarm. Railings on top of the walls would help as well. Problem is even if you make the drive safe, what's to stop them throwing milk bottles full of nitromors over the wall? Maybe a couple of disrceet cameras pointing up and down the road? Not sure what the answer is Really feel for you.
  20. Really feel sorry for you, but to be honest your dad needs a MUCH better cctv system. Mine has motion detection alarm, mobile phone alert and remote viewing. You need more and better cameras. Photo electric beams linked to the house alarm is also adviseable. Failing that a 10 stone Rotty like ours is a useful deterrent even to the boldest hoody! Hope you get it all sorted.
  21. "Keep calm and carry on".............. Love your attitude Keyser
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