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Everything posted by leonk

  1. No ideas? Perhaps a call to Apec then. Just don't want to put them in upside down.
  2. Does anyone know which way up these should go?
  3. Got a very convincing one from "Pay Pal" recently and only sussed it after shouting at the wife saying WTF have you been buying now that cost so much it needed "authorising"!!!!!!!
  4. The paint code will be on an aluminium data tag in the engine bay near the brake fluid cover. Sorry not at home otherwise would attach photo. So Azure blue would be B17 for example. Hope this helps.
  5. Pm'd you. About to swap all four discs for some grooved and dimpled ones so have a set of genuine (brembo) Nissan oem rears going that have not been on the car long.
  6. New identity for Dave, and a one way ticket to Rio!
  7. Good luck with the sale, seems a shame after all the hard work you put in. At least the potential new owner can follow your posts and see that it was repaired properly.
  8. As Col says, this is a Russian thing. Best part is when the Police turn up, fault and blame are decided by who pays the biggest bribe!
  9. I've worked and driven there. When you buy a licence rather than take a test coupled with a machismo attitude of not giving way to anybody, every outing is a disaster waiting to happen. They make Italians, Egyptians and Zimbabweans look like members of the Institute of Advanced Motorists!!!
  10. Hi and welcome. Just down the road from us in Macclesfield.
  11. "All very wrong! Had to meet in carpark and car was not as described" Recent negative feedback about previous attempt at selling the car says it all!
  12. Would all depend on the VW transporters intentions. If he goes through his insurance you will have to declare it anyway as there will be a record of it with the insurance company, so when the time comes for renewal the question " any claims , accidents etc?" will need answering honestly.
  13. I'm sticking with TVR Typhon / T440R. When do we know the answer?
  14. Looking good Chris. Glorious weather and working seven days. Just the motivation I need to get mine back for it's M.O.T. It's spent more time SORN than on the road. Did less than 700 miles in it last year
  15. As Alex says....Or a pair of these and some cloth round the knob.
  16. Welcome to the forum Look out for the Krispy Kreme meets at the Trafford Centre.
  17. Tweak the job description to make him sound less of a sales rep and as above put his Mum/Aunt/Gran on it. Worked for my son's insurance. That's all I can think of. About the only positive to being an old g*t , cheaper insurance. We're even with Sheila's Wheels in the wife's name.
  18. As above but just be careful as there are three different types of 2 button Nissan keys that all look the same externally but have different internals. Open up your original to make sure you are getting the same. Pretty sure (but don't quote me) that the one you need has the separate transponder. ( awaiting correction from the technical bods )
  19. +1 As an example a member of my family is a nurse at our local Hospital. A couple of years ago they spent nearly £120k on consultants fees to establish what could be done to limit infections like MRSA etc. £120k later they concluded what any staff nurse could tell you for free, that more and better cleaners were required. Problem was they couldn't afford them because they had blown the budget on consultants fees!!! This is just one of the many examples of total waste of yours and my money.
  20. I used Kurust rust treatment on mine after a good wire brushing off and then smoothrite satin black if that is any help to you. And as Keyser said took them off first.
  21. Very Nice! Looking forward to more pics
  22. Ref Golf Mk3 ,Have a look at Item number: 330722456672 on E bay at the moment. 1995 Golf 2.0 GTI buy it now £700 or bids. In Wakefield so not too far away.
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