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Everything posted by leonk

  1. Looking good. Wanted to do this to mine nearly 30 years ago but my Mum wouldn't let me. ( Shared car ) Apparently by this stage of modding I had already " ruined it and made it unsaleable, of dubious legality and an embarrassment to be seen in" If only I'd had a dad like you!!
  2. Or if it's 122 miles away, asking someone on here if they would look?
  3. For some reason I'm reminded of the line in Pulp Fiction where he explains what he's going to do with "a blow torch and a pair of pliers"
  4. That must be really boring if its a car - unless its a Telsa I don't know, there's some nice old classics you could have a lot of fun in. E type Jaguar convertible.............
  5. Chocohercules said March 24th 2009 Sept 13th 2012 3 years 6 months, tell me you've nearly finished it?
  6. Fantastic vehicles! You won't be disappointed. We have a t4 and a t5 as works vans. Infact I have probably turned up to more meets in the t4
  7. Looking good! As regards the brake thing, if I remember rightly it is a front/rear proportioning valve. Very first car was my mums old 850 mini. Brings back fond memories. Couldn't afford alloys so got my mate to split the steel rims and weld in a steel strip to widen them. seemed a good idea at the time........Miracle I didn't kill myself Then massive Cibie spotlights that got brighter the faster you went. ( only had a dynamo not alternator ) Then brush painted the car black and spent hours doing a chequered roof. ( no vinyl wraps in those days ) My poor mother! Keep up the good work!!!
  8. Don't worry, the van flashing his lights behind you wasn't a road rage incident!! Think you sussed it was me. Still one of my favourite zeds.
  9. leonk

    Ideas for Winter

    Hope this wasn't prompted by my "spotted" note Just so used to seeing you with the Volks! Lol, you're to blame Leon! Meant to msg you actually, i take it that was you in Tesco's last month? That was me!
  10. leonk

    Ideas for Winter

    Marzman said... Hope this wasn't prompted by my "spotted" note Just so used to seeing you with the Volks!
  11. Ekona says.. +1 on that! Just put a deposit on a Series 2 E type Roadster today, having pondered over a 997. Thanks for all the advice by the way Ekona. You only live once. Just got to get her indoors to come round to the idea of keeping the Zed
  12. Not the youth of today! You get your mate's dad to take you there then when his car breaks down you volunteer your dad (muggins here) to drop everything on a friday afternoon and rescue them and take them there.
  13. My son came home from camping at Creamfields at about 3pm dumped all his muddy gear on us, moaned a lot, got changed and went out to drown his sorrows. It's a hard life!
  14. As Ewan says Chris, but you'll need either the current M.O.T reference number or the V5 reference number. Quite interesting as they now list the fails and advisories online so great info if you are looking to buy a car.
  15. rt said don't think he's done this one, guide says artistic director Kim Gavin
  16. Hi Headphones, just remind him of the scene in Marathon Man where Lawrence Olivier ( psychotic war criminal dentist ) is asking Dustin Hoffman " Is it safe? " with a drill in one hand and oil of cloves in the other.
  17. Have a look at item 160812025608 on E bay can't vouch for the quality of the parts but there are pics of the bit you are after.
  18. Not so much spotted as met up with. Great to be able to help out a fellow member and good luck with the sale I can vouch for the condition if anyone asks
  19. leonk

    Hydraulic press

    Keyser's the man for advice on this........
  20. Ooh Glossop, that's near me wonder if it's a member on here?
  21. Wasn't there a guy on here recently just looking for one rear/ might be of use to him.
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